
wǔ gēng
  • the five watches of the night;the five periods of the night;before dawn;the fifth watch just before dawn
五更 [wǔ gēng]
  • (1) [the five periods of the night]∶旧时把一夜分为五更,即一更、二更、三更、四更、五更

  • (2) [before dawn;the fifth watch just before dawn]∶指第五更

  • 夜夜达五更。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  • 起五更,睡半夜

五更[wǔ gēng]
  1. 五更起来,百事兴旺。

    He that will thrive , must rise at five .

  2. 五更泄泻乃肝木乘脾论

    On the Pathological Changes of Diarrhoea to the Liver restricting the Spleen

  3. 过着五更穷三更富的生活。

    To live in an unhealthy and unsteady life .

  4. 一夜连双岁,五更分二年。

    Night with pairs of years old , just before dawn hours two years .

  5. 目的观察针刺配合走罐治疗五更泻的疗效。

    Purpose To investigate the efficacy of acupuncture plus movable cupping for treatment of predawn diarrhea .

  6. 其中包括《十番锣鼓》与《五更箭》两部作品。

    Including " ten gongs and drums " and " arrow just before dawn " two works .

  7. “阎王叫你三更死,谁敢留人到五更。”

    " If the king of hell summons you at the third watch , who dares keep you till the fifth ?"

  8. 翻译公司最新消息:荷兰统计学家日前公布,在很多国家被认为不吉利的黑色星期五其实比普通星期五更安全。

    Dutch statisticians have established that Friday13th , a date regarded in many countries as inauspicious , is actually safer than an average Friday .

  9. 五更时分,船只接近曹营。诸葛亮让军士们在船上擂鼓呐喊,装作周瑜来偷袭。

    When Zhuge 's fleet got close to the Cao camp before dawn , Zhuge Liang ordered his soldiers to shout and beat drums to fake an attack .

  10. “为求一字稳,耐得五更寒”,好的译者还需要像诗圣杜甫那样具有“语不惊人死不休”的精神与毅力。

    " Toiling yourself and endure hardship for obtaining a well-chosen word " just as the famous poet Du Fu did " Never give up until an amazing poetic masterpiece is gained " .