
  • Five supplies;the five containers in which offerings are put in when offering sacrifices to ancestors
五供 [wǔ gòng]
  • [the five containers in which offerings are put in when offering sacrifices to ancestors] 祭祀时放供品的器皿,包括香炉、两烛台、一香筒、一灯盏

  1. 墓前有石五供,设供桌以摆放祭品。

    In front of the tomb , there is an altar for offering .

  2. 五种供试植被恢复模式不同程度地提高了土壤中微生物的数量、生物量以及酶的活性。

    Five vegetation recovery patterns increase the number of microbes in soil , biomass and enzyme activity in different levels .

  3. 老北京的大商号,这天均大举祭祀活动,祭品要用“五大供”,祈望今年要发大财。

    Old Beijing big business , this day are swarming ritual activities , sacrifices to want to use " five " for this year , expecting to making a fortune .

  4. 按不同实验条件制备五组供样动物组织浸液,用放免法测定其受试组血浆皮质酮含量,观察各供样组组织浸液活性。

    Under different experimental conditions male rats regarded as donors are divided into 5 groups , Level of recipient plasm corticosterone of rats determined by RIA is used as an index for assay of tissue extracts activity from donors .

  5. 在乌克兰规划其未来之际,以下五点可供考虑。

    Here are five points to consider as Ukraine maps its future .

  6. 有以下五类可供您浏览:文化、历史、哲学、宗教和科学。

    You can browse five categories : culture , history , philosophy , religion and science .

  7. 通过对美国小学科学教育的全面分析与研究,总结出五方面可供我国借鉴的建议,包括立法保障、课程设置、探究精神的培养、评价体系和教师队伍的建设。

    Through comprehensive analysis and research American elementary science education , summed up five aspects worthy recommendations , including legislation protection , design curriculum , inquiry spirit , evaluation system and the science teachers ' cultivation .

  8. 为什么会这么贵呢?首先,这款意大利制造的戒指镀有18K金或银,此外还有五种宝石供买家选择,分别是蓝色托帕石、不纯蛋白石、缟玛瑙、蓝宝石和红宝石。

    Why the premium ? For one , the Italy-made ring is plated with either 18K gold or silver , and there are five options for the gemstone : blue topaz , opalite , onyx , sapphire and ruby .

  9. 只有五只钢笔可供挑选。

    There are only five pens to choose from .

  10. 本文给出了数字滤波的五种方法,供编制数字滤波处理程序时使用。

    This paper presents five digital filtering techniques , for use in compositing the processing program on digital filtering .

  11. 安哥拉政府提供了五辆新车辆供该病暴发现场的医护队使用。

    Five new vehicles have been provided by the Angolan government for use by teams at the outbreak site .

  12. 其中五例手术的供者是受者的母亲,这也就造成了一个能把人绕晕了的可能性——受者将从曾经孕育她自己的那同一个子宫中分娩出自己的孩子。

    In five cases , the donor was the recipient 's mother , which raised the dizzying possibility of a woman giving birth from the same womb that produced her .

  13. 可提供五种弹性阀座材质供选择,密封填料材质也可提供五种供选择。

    Five options for resilient seat materials and five packing options are available .