- 名interactive advertisement

But DirecTV , Comcast and Time Warner Cable have all invested in it .
BrightLine iTV , which designs and sells interactive ads , says interest has surged : it expects its revenues almost to triple this year .
Unilever recently ran an interactive campaign for its Axe deodorant , which kept viewers engaged for more than three minutes on average .
BSkyB , Britain 's biggest satellite-television service , already provides 9 million customers with interactive ads.
A new effort led by Canoe Ventures , a coalition of leading cable providers , aims to make interactive advertising available across America later this year .
So the news that Cablevision , an American cable company , was rolling out interactive advertisements to all its customers on October 6th was greeted with some skepticism .
With the launch of interactive advertising , " many of the dollars that went to the Internet will come back to the TV , " says David Kline of Cablevision .
The amount spent on interactive advertising on television is still small .
Interactive ads and viewers might not go well together .
In theory , interactive advertising can engage viewers in a way that 30-second spots do not .
Study on the success strategy of IPTV advertisement : based on Samsung Electronics ' Another Family ' interactive advertising campaign
The association of national advertisers and the American Association of advertising agencies released a " statement of best practices " on Thursday , which also has the support of the Interactive Advertising Bureau .
Mike Fung is a media producer at an interactive agency and was one of the early adopters of Foursquare in Shanghai .
Then the requirements on the 3G Interactive advertising system are analyzed , based on the study of above , we designed the new whole system and then described the system implementation in detail .
More than half of UK adults using an ad blocker said they would switch it off if doing so was the only way to access a website , according to a survey by YouGov for the Interactive Advertising Bureau .
Mr. Marchese was the co-founder of a small start-up called TrueX , an advertising technology company that replaced a slate of standard advertisements or video commercials - on the web , mobile and digital TV - with one interactive ad.
A Statistic Analysis of the Construction of Gender Identity in Interactive Advertisements
The app , created by AKQA , an interactive ad firm in San Francisco , will include instructional drill videos .
Guangzhou City , Guangdong , Amoy craftsman Kenzo and Software 's interactive advertising and online marketing solutions for professional companies .
But as the codes began being used for marketing directing smartphone-equipped consumers to websites and interactive advertisements they started receiving makeovers .
This emphasis on audience participation , and participation by the audience to determine the effect of advertising of thead is the interactive advertising .
Internet advertising revenue continues to rise , according to a report released Wednesday by the Interactive Advertising Bureau and Price water house Coopers .
Terry MCDONELL , who oversees sports illustrated , helped create a futuristic-seeming video of a hypothetical issue filled with whizzy graphics and interactive ads.
Such growth points to " the strong results that marketers are receiving from digital marketing , " IAB CEO Randall Rothenberg said in a statement .
He says that while this year a handful of brands were experimenting with the new interactive advertisements , he expects hundreds of campaigns next year .
Presented by The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences , the Webby 's recognized Websites , interactive advertising and media , online film and video , and mobile and apps .
Only the maximum consistent with the needs of the audience the most creative features of " humane . "" Financial circumstances into view " the interactive advertising can make the audience more three-dimensional , multi-angle receive the information .
With the emerging of new technology , the creativity of advertising have been no longer limited by traditional advertising design , and begin to move from print advertising and television to internet , and put great emphasis on interactive advertising .
Interactive television advertising , which allows viewers to use their remote controls to click on advertisements , has been pushed for years .
" It 's been the year of interactive television advertising for the last ten or twelve years , " says Colin Dixon of a digital-media consultancy .