
  1. 云南大叶茶与汝城白毛茶杂交后代的RAPD亲子鉴定

    Parentage Identification of Filial Generation Tea Plants from " Yunnan Daye " and " Rucheng Baimao " with RAPD Method

  2. 巴西橡胶-云南大叶茶人工植物群落的实验生态学研究

    Experimental and ecological studies on the rubber-tea ~ artificial community

  3. 云南大叶茶体细胞胚发生及体细胞胚苗形成体系的建立

    Establishment of a system with high synchronous frequency of somatic embryogenesis and embryo seedling formation in Camellia sinensis var. assamica

  4. 云南大叶种茶是制作普洱茶的最好原料。

    Yunnan big leaf species tea is best raw material for Pu'er Tea .