
  1. 于力通过甲基化敏感性限制性路标基因组扫描技术技术比较了来源于正常和白血病小鼠的脾脏细胞DNA甲基化模式,发现了50个DNA启动子甲基化的白血病相关基因。

    Fifty genes related to leukemia with promoter methylation have been detected by Yuli by using restriction landmark genomic scanning technology to compare the DNA methylation pattern of spleen cells of normal mice and the mice with leukemia .

  2. 山莨菪碱组于力竭运动前腹腔注射山莨菪碱10mg/kg,分为山莨菪碱干预后6h组和山莨菪碱干预后24h组。

    The animals in the anisodamine group received intraperitoneally 10mg / kg of anisodamine before the swimming overtraining , and divided again into 6h after anisodamine injection subgroup and 24h anisodamine injection subgroup .

  3. 所做的功等于力与距离的乘积。

    The merit done equals to the product of power and distance .

  4. 我喜欢当晚的每首歌曲,这都是来自于力宏内心最深处。

    I enjoyed every song that night , which he delivered from the heart .

  5. 本文将这种方法应用于力锁合凸轮和槽道凸轮。

    This method has been applied to force sealed and groove sealed cam mechanism .

  6. 功等于力乘上力作用所通过的距离。

    Work is equal to force times the distance through which the force acts .

  7. 美国1978-1979年间的交通运输科研工作集中于力求使汽车更节能。

    Transportation Research in the United States in1978and1979focused on trying to make automobiles more energy efficient .

  8. 人们致力于力所不及的事情的同时,往往忽略了力所能及的事情。

    People are always neglecting something they can do in trying to do something they can 't do .

  9. 这种方法第一次把力传感器直接应用于力反馈双边控制。

    In this method , the force sensor is directly applied in bilateral system for the first time .

  10. 但是,模拟结果的可靠性很大程度上取决于力场的精确性。

    Yet , the quality of the obtained results depends largely on the quality of the force field used .

  11. 通常这些荷载是用液压千斤顶直接施加于力的作用。

    These loads are normally applied by hydraulic jacks acting directly at the point of application of the force .

  12. 本文研究了毛笔的结构特点,有效地构建基于力反馈技术的毛笔模型。

    The Chinese brush model based on force feedback technology was built effectively by study the structure of Chinese brush .

  13. 压装控制软件可实时绘制压装过程中的力-位移曲线,并基于力-位移曲线对压装进行过程控制。

    The control software can draw force-displacement curve real-timely , and control the press-mounting machine on the basis of force-displacement curve .

  14. 帝国致于力将他者塑造成为边缘的、野蛮的、空白的,借以巩固其中心地位。

    The empire commits himself to shape other into marginal , savage , blank , its purpose is to consolidate his central position .

  15. 将控制理论中的反馈技术应用于力平衡式测量领域,形成力平衡式闭环测量系统。

    By using feedback technology in measurement field of the force equilibrium form , the closed-loop measurement system for force equilibrium form is developed .

  16. 本课题不仅挑战了传统矫直机的压下控制方式,同时有助于力同步液压控制系统的推广。

    This passage not only challenges the traditional screw down in leveler , but also contributes to promote the force synchronous hydraulic control system .

  17. 如果一物体是可以变形的(所有物体都或多或少可以变形),那么这种形变就取决于力的作用点。

    If a body is deformable , as all are to some extent , the deformation depends upon the point of application of the force .

  18. 结果观察期内,除1颗种植体由于力负荷过大松动脱落外,其余种植体与周围组织均形成良好的骨性结合,能行使较好的咀嚼功能。

    Results There was one failure case due to implant loosen . X ray examination showed good osteo-integration without maxillary sinusitis.37 implants had good function .

  19. 利用两个控制回路来实现控制目标。其中,外回路适用于力的扰动,而内回路适用于力矩的扰动。

    Two control loops are used to achieve this control strategy : the outer-loop adapts to force perturbations , while the inner-loop adapts to moment perturbations .

  20. 介绍了用原子力显微镜测定力-距离曲线的基本原理以及应用于力-距离曲线的接触区和非接触区分析的基本理论。

    The basic principles fer force-distance curve determination by atomic force microscopy and the basic theories concerning both the contact and non-contact regions of force-distance curves are presented .

  21. 我的建议是专注于力所能及的事,别让残疾成为阻碍,并因此后悔。

    My advice , is to concentrate on things your disability doesn ′ t prevent you doing well , and don ′ t regret the things it interferes with .

  22. 较深入地考察了起源于力和速度的平行四边形法则的向量理论。

    The main results gained in this dissertation are as follows : 1 . The vector theory which originates from parallelogram rule of velocity and force is inspected in detail .

  23. 将非线性预测与Fuzzy&PI控制相结合,设计了以专家系统为基础的智能控制器,并将其应用于力协调加载试验系统。

    With the nonlinear prediction and the Fuzzy-PI controller combined , the intelligent controller based on the expert system is presented . The controller is used in the force synchronous loading system .

  24. 基于复势理论和杂交变分原理建立了一种适用于力电耦合分析的杂交应力有限元模型。

    A hybrid stress finite element based on the complex potential theory and hybrid variational principle is proposed for mechanical-electrical coupling analyses . The formulations are given in detail in this paper .

  25. 力触觉再现借助于力触觉再现设备和计算机生成的虚拟仿真环境,使操作者可以触摸、感受和操作虚拟物体,从而进一步提高虚拟现实系统的真实感和沉浸感,因而具有广阔的应用领域。

    Through haptic device and computer-generated virtual environment , haptic rendering enables operators to touch , feel and operate virtual objects , which further improves the sense of realism and immersion of virtual reality system .

  26. 但随着企业规模的不断扩大,部分企业由于力资源管理体系的滞后导致管理效率下降,人才流失现象加剧,其中缺乏一套科学完善的员工绩效评估体系是较为突出的问题。

    However with the enlargement of the enterprise scale , the management efficiency decrease and the aggravation of phenomenon of talents loss were caused by the hysteresis of human resource management system , especially for the deficiency of employee performance evaluation system .

  27. 用实例对基于力法和位移法的挡土墙抗震设计进行了对比分析。研究显示了基于位移法的挡土墙抗震设计比基于力法的抗震设计更能体现地震期间挡土墙的抗震性能。

    A example for aseismic design based on the force and displacement methods is done , which can see that the displacement method is more superiority than the force method in the analysis of aseismic performance during the earthquakes conditions of earth-retaining wall . 6 .