
  • 网络Double dip;Double-dip
  1. 欧洲央行(ecb)昨日预测,欧元区今明两年的增长将比此前预期的强劲得多,从而排除了经济“二次探底”、重回衰退的可能性。

    The European Central Bank yesterday forecast that the eurozone would expand this year and in 2011 much more strongly than previously expected , ruling out a " double dip " back into recession .

  2. 纽约大学(NYU)经济学家诺瑞尔•鲁比尼本周三在迪拜表示,油价达到140美元/桶可能意味着“部分发达经济体将开始陷入经济二次探底”。

    Oil hitting $ 140 a barrel could mean that " some of the advanced economies will start to double dip , " NYU economist Nouriel Roubini said Wednesday in Dubai .

  3. 美国纽约大学(NewYorkUniversity)的鲁里埃尔鲁比尼(NourielRoubini)表示,英国数据表明二次探底或长期停滞的风险尚未永远消失。

    Nouriel Roubini of New York University said the UK data suggested the risk of a double-dip or long-term stagnation are not done forever .

  4. 更多的分析人士开始担心住宅市场会二次探底。

    More analysts are starting to fear a double dip in housing .

  5. 传说中的二次探底到底发生了吗?

    Whatever happened to the fabled double dip ?

  6. 不过看到非农就业人数(就业人口)数据后,感觉还真像有二次探底那么回事似的。

    But the double-dip theory looks a bit more plausible after the non-farm payrolls data .

  7. 二次探底,我们来了。

    Double dip , here we come .

  8. 中国经济将如何避免出现二次探底的情况?

    What will the Chinese goverment do to avert the risk of the double dip ?

  9. 他写道,这可能会推动美国经济二次探底。

    It was likely this would push the US into a double-dip recession , he wrote .

  10. 以后的计算修正或许会让这两个数字变为负值:美国经济已经出现二次探底。

    Future revisions may push both numbers into negative territory : the economy would have already double-dipped .

  11. 无论如何,对经济二次探底的焦虑有增无减,说明这些差强人意的经济增长数据到底不值得庆祝。

    In any case , growing anxiety about a double-dip recession meant the half-decent growth figures were barely celebrated .

  12. 今年下半年,我国不太可能出现经济“二次探底”的情况。

    China is unlikely to see a " double dip " in its economy in the2nd half of this year .

  13. 究竟什么是经济衰退的二次探底?众说不一。华尔街的玩股票的人随意地使用这个术语。

    There is no one definition for a so-called double-dip recession , and Wall Street traders can use the term loosely .

  14. 来年二次探底的可能性非常之高,可能高达50%。

    The odds of a double dip over the coming year are uncomfortably high , perhaps as high as 50 % .

  15. 但是考虑到目前政客们的无用,唯一有能力避免二次探底危险的机构就是美联储。

    But given the politicians " current uselessness , the only institution with the power to avert danger is the Federal Reserve .

  16. 随着经济形势每况愈下,防止经济二次探底的重担就落在了白宫和国会的肩上。

    With the economic picture darkening daily , the burden of preventing another slump is falling on the White House and Congress .

  17. 美国不太可能再次深陷衰退,然而二次探底的可能性不容忽视。

    It is unlikely that America will find itself back in recession but the possibility of a double dip cannot be dismissed .

  18. 正常情况下,现在联邦政府应该采取果断措施避免二次探底。

    Under normal circumstances , this would be the time for the federal government to take bold action to ward off a double dip .

  19. 贝南克上周对国会说,我们预计美国经济不会二次探底,而是会继续呈现温和增长。

    We don 't see a double-dip recession , ' Mr. Bernanke told Congress last week . ' We see continued moderate growth . '

  20. 短短几天之内,一个共识浮出水面:大多数的分析师认为经济二次探底的可能性在30%-40%之间。

    In a matter of days , a consensus quickly emerged : most strategists now place the odds of a double dip at 30-40 % .

  21. 乐观者仍多于悲观者的健康态势让我确信,全球经济二次探底的可能性继续减弱。

    The net balance of optimists versus pessimists remains healthy , something which reassures me that the possibility of a double-dip recession continues to diminish .

  22. 对于经济学家来说,“二次探底”的定义是很严格的:二次探底是指经济从衰退到复苏,再萎缩的时期。

    To economists , a double-dip has a narrow meaning : a period when the economy comes out of recession only to suffer another contraction .

  23. 这波购买浪潮正为金属和矿物价格提供支持。此前,受人们担忧经济二次探底的因素影响,大宗商品价格本月出现了下跌。

    The wave of buying is providing support for metals and minerals prices after commodities prices fell this month amid worries about a double-dip recession .

  24. 当我们苦苦挣扎避免大萧条时,立即采取削减赤字极有可能陷入1937年类似的二次探底。

    Immediate moves to lower the deficit substantially would likely result in a1937-like " double dip " as we struggle to recover from the Great Recession .

  25. 美国房价二次探底,尽失经济衰退过后的全部涨幅,并可能导致走走停停的经济复苏偏离轨道。

    US house prices are in a double dip that has erased all of their bounce since the recession and threatens to derail a stuttering economic recovery .

  26. 欧债危机是全球金融危机由私人部门向公共部门的蔓延,有可能带来世界经济的第二次探底。

    European debt crisis is a global crisis spreading from the private sector to the public sector , it is possible to bring the world economy second bottom .

  27. 美国经济面临二次探底?面临着糟糕的负债协议,膨胀的经济恐慌,更长时间经济低迷的风险,美国经济前景黯淡

    Time for a double dip ? A lousy debt deal , rising fears of a recession , the danger of longer-term stagnation : America 's outlook is grim

  28. 不过,即使经济正在放缓,那也不是二次探底的征兆,而是经济复苏征途漫漫的印证。

    Even if a slowdown is happening , however , it is less a portent of a double dip than confirmation that the recovery will be a long slog .

  29. 一些迹象表明,这些措施终于开始奏效了&正当美国和欧洲濒临二次探底之际。

    There are signs that these measures are finally starting to bite – at just the time that the United States and Europe are on the brink of a double-dip recession .

  30. 当美国正在为经济二次探底的风险坐立不安、欧洲正四处寻找下一场主权债务违约危机的迹象时,亚洲却信心十足。

    As the US frets about the possibility of a double-dip recession and Europeans scour the horizon for signs of the next sovereign debt default , Asia is in confident mood .