
  • Eryuehe
  1. 缘此,二月河的“帝王系列”受到了广大读者的欢迎,亦得到评论界的肯定。

    Therefore he won large popularity from readers and good comments from critics .

  2. 民俗学意蕴与二月河清帝系列小说的理论创新

    Folklore implication in the Serial Novels on the Emperors of the Qing Dynasty by Er Yue He

  3. 诗与历史的困惑与选择&论二月河帝王系列的审美特征

    Puzzle and Choice Between Poetry and History & Aesthetic Features of February River 's Series of Emperors

  4. 二月河对于相关题材的反映,使用了民俗学田野作业的方法。

    About the reflection to the relative subject , February river utilized the old fieldwork pattern of folklore .

  5. 在民间文化形态中寻求精神的灵动&二月河“清帝”系列小说论略

    Seeking inspiration from folklore & A brief comment on er yue-he 's series of novels about Qing Dynasty emperors

  6. 二月河的创作实践,对文艺学反观和考镜当下的文学创作,带来许多新的启发。

    Er Yue He 's creative practice has brought about a lot of enlightenment for literature and art in reconsidering and examining present literary creation .

  7. 二月河清帝系列小说出版后,受到读者的广泛赞誉和评论界的不断关注。

    The Serial Novels on the Emperors of Qing Dynasty by Er Yue-he win praises of readers and attentions of criticizing fields after they are published .

  8. 二月河小说的名士情怀既继承了中国传统小说名士的美学思想,又具有不可忽视的文化精神内涵和恒久的美学价值。

    The sentiment in his novels inherited the old tradition of the attachment to such scholars in Chinese novels , and possessed great cultural and aesthetic values .

  9. 二月河清帝系列小说中的戏曲文化母题,有着丰富的民俗内容。

    There is a great deal of folklore contents which are about the origin of the traditional opera culture in the novel of February river in Qing Dynasty monarch line .

  10. 我给他们找到一个理由:二月河的小说折射出这些生意人的生活。

    However , I find them a single reason : the latter 's stories by apparent accident reflex , in one way or another , the former 's real life .

  11. 二月河对于田野作业原理的自觉实践,不论是对文艺学叙事理论的丰富,还是对民俗学田野作业体系的完善发展,都具有重要价值。

    Regardless of enriching the literature and art theory of narration , or improving the old fieldwork of folklore system , February river 's natural practice to the principle of the old fieldwork was much worthy to them .

  12. 在对待历史的真实与艺术的真实的矛盾时,二月河帝王系列主要以历史的真实为基础,并充分发挥自己的艺术建构力和想像力,使作品在整体上达到艺术的真实。

    When handling the contradictions between historical reality and aesthetic reality , February River uses historical reality as the foundation of his series of emperors , giving play to his artistic construction and imagination , thus , making his works arrive at artistic reality on the whole .