
èr yuè
  • February;Feb.;the second month of the lunar year
二月[èr yuè]
  1. 二月的空气柔和、凉爽而怡人。

    The February air was soft , cool , and inviting

  2. 这些树二月里长叶子。

    These trees come into leaf in February .

  3. 停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花。(杜牧《山行》)

    I stop my carriage to admire the Maple Grove at nightfall , | whose frosty leaves are redder than the flowers of early spring .

  4. 今年二月,以色列人造肉公司AlephFarms和以色列理工学院生物医学工程学院用真牛肉细胞联合打印和培育出了一块肉眼牛排。

    In February this year , Aleph Farms and the Faculty5 of Biomedical Engineering at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology - jointly6 bioprinted and cultivated a ribeye steak using real cow cells .

  5. 二月里这种温暖的天气不太正常。

    This warm weather is abnormal for February .

  6. 第三十五条本法自一九八六年二月一日起施行。

    Article 35 This Law shall go into effect on February 1 , 1986 .

  7. 冬天是从十二月到二月。

    Winter lasts from December to February .

  8. 二月是第二个月。

    February is the second month .

  9. 至少俄国的二月革命和十月革命就是这样进入高潮的

    At least that is the way the February and October revolutions in Russia reached their climaxes .

  10. 这座沙堡预计可以保持到霜重之时,很可能到明年二月或三月。

    The castle is expected to stand until the heavy frost sets in , probably next February or March .

  11. 一月和二月的大多数时间单日新增病例都不超过2万,这对于一个人口超13亿的国家来说是比较低的水平。

    Cases had been below 20000 a day for much of January and February - a low figure in a country of more than a 1.3 billion people .

  12. 大家都怪他不懂礼貌。于是便有好心的人教他说,下次鞠躬的时候,你就在心里数:正月、二月、……一直数到十二月为止,然后再直起身来。

    Then some warmhearted men taught him , When you bow to somebody next time , you can count ' January , February , March . until December . Then you can lift your body up .

  13. 那天已经是快下班的时间了,我正跑着最后一趟车,因为那是在二月的一天,很冷,所以车上一个人都没有,我们刚刚离开了圣费尔南多大教堂返回阿拉莫。

    It was near closing time and I was driving back from my last tour of the day . It was a cool February day , and there wasn 't anyone on my bus , I was on my way back from the San Fernando Catholic2 church .

  14. B但是我们住在加拿大。那里的一月和二月通常也非常寒冷。

    But we live in Canada . It 's usually freezing there in JanuaryFebruary .

  15. 今年二月,苹果(Apple)推出支持CDMA网络的iPhone手机,Verizon成为其第一家合作商。

    The iPhone built around the CDMA protocol that apple ( AAPL ) launched in February went first to Verizon ( VZ ) .

  16. 二月的一次会议上,洪森称NGO对其石油政策的发难纯属“抽疯”。

    At a conference in February , Mr Hun Sen called NGOs'criticism of his oil policies " crazy " .

  17. 今年二月,来自微软的研究人员就透漏了Gazelle的细节。

    Back in February , researches at Microsoft revealed details about Gazelle .

  18. 在二月,我重拾Grails知识,开始艰难地教那些不懂Java的开发人员。

    In February , I refreshed my Grails knowledge , later learning that it was tough to teach Grails to developers that didn 't know Java .

  19. 《信息时报》消息,台湾娱乐圈知名人士陈建州(黑人)和女友范玮琪相恋10年,于今年二月在新泽西NBA球场求婚成功。

    Popular Taiwanese entertainer Blackie Chen and girlfriend of10 years , Christine Fan , are finally getting engaged this Saturday , Information Times reports .

  20. 今年二月,该片将在更大范围内得以公映,并将于二月的柏林电影节(berlinfilmfestival)上放映,届时该片应该能获准在欧洲市场发行。

    It will be given a wider release in February and will also be screened at the Berlin Film Festival in February , when it should be picked up for distribution in European markets .

  21. 一只FLAGTelecom派出的维修队是光缆被割断处附近发现了这个船锚。电缆是于二月一日在杜拜以北35英里、阿联酋和阿曼之间的波斯湾被割断。

    FLAG Telecom repair crew discovered the anchor near where the fiber-optic cable was severed Feb.1 in the Persian Gulf , 35 miles north of Dubai , between the Emirates and Oman .

  22. 今年二月,在一位花旗银行(Citibank)调查分析师的带领下,一群投资人访问了苹果公司(Apple)。

    In February of this year , a group of investors visited apple as part of a " bus tour " led by a research analyst for Citibank .

  23. 现在是二月,而且到如今你或许已经读到、或听到人们谈论UML2.0&包括若干进步的UML的新规范,所做的变化。

    It 's February , and by now you 've probably read about , or heard people talk about , making the change to UML2.0 & the new specification for UML that contains a number of improvements .

  24. Recruit公司于本年一月30日至二月16日之间展开了此项调查,这时代一连串糟糕的经济数据描绘出日本昏暗的经济远景,年夜公司纷繁裁员。

    Recruit collected the data between Jan.30 and Feb.16 , as a series of dire economic indicators painted a dismal economic outlook for Japan and major companies were laying off workers in waves .

  25. 报纸和电视节目经常遭到审查,二月,《五十度灰》(FiftyShadesofGrey)的小说和电影都被禁了,此前三年里这本书一直都在公开发售。

    Newspapers and television shows are routinely censored , and in February , both the film and the novel Fifty Shades of Grey were banned , even though the book had been sold openly for three years .

  26. 这基本上可将数据转换成(x,y)对,此处x是月份(1=一月、2=二月,等等),而y是浏览器的市场份额,如该月的百分比。

    This essentially transforms the data into ( x , y ) pairs , where x is the month ( 1 = January , 2 = February , and so on ) and y is the browser 's share , as a percentage for that month .

  27. 实证结果表明:第一,农业类上市公司存在二月红现象;第二,农业上市公司股票的收益率存在显著的GARCH效应。

    The empirical results show that : first , the stock price of agricultural listed companies has the phenomenon February Red ; Second , GARCH effect of the yield of agricultural listed companies is significant .

  28. 今年二月,中国移动宣布,使用该公司全新4G网络的手机中,一半以上是iPhone。截至上上周,中国移动的4G网络用户已超过1400万。

    In February , China Mobile announced that iPhones accounted for more than half of the phones on its brand new 4G network . By last week , that network had grown to more than 14 million subscribers .

  29. 用强度为30W/cm~2,频率为1.06MHz的连续聚焦超声直接辐照在体兔肝3min,辐照后分别于一天、三天、七天、一月和二月宰杀。

    Rabbits ' livers were irradiated by focused ultrasound at the intensity of 30 W / cm2 , frequency 1.06 MHz , for 3 mins .

  30. 疾病控制中心(CDC)在二月曾表示,18到65岁的成年人当中,有2/3的人没有接受季节性疫苗注射,这个年龄群体的住院人数在去年增加了一倍,流感并发症引发的死亡人数也远高于平常。

    The CDC said in February that two-thirds of adults aged 18 to 65 had not had their seasonal shot , and that hospitalizations in this age group had doubled over last year . Deaths from flu complications were also far higher than usual .