
èr fánɡ dōnɡ
  • sub-lessor;sub-landlord
  • sublessor (of a room or house)
二房东 [èr fáng dōng]
  • [sublessor (of a room or house) ] 租来房屋并转租牟利的房主

  1. 一批唯利是图的“二房东”,从以炒房为目的的房东手中租到房屋,成批制造了“群租房”。

    One batch are concerned only about profit the sub-landlord , from take fries the room to rent the house as in the goal landlord hand , the batch manufacturings the group has rented a room .

  2. 这房子是我从二房东手里租的,而房东是谁我也不知道。

    I rent this house from a sublessor without knowing who is the real landlord .

  3. 终止二房东租约通知书

    Notice of Termination of Principal Tenancy

  4. 冉阿让时期的那个“二房东”已经死了,接替她的是个同一类型的家伙。

    The " principal lodger " of Jean Valjean 's day was dead and had been replaced by another exactly like her .

  5. 梦见所谓的二房东把我带到了一个四室两厅两厨两卫的地方。

    The so called second landowner took me to a place with four bedrooms and two waiting rooms and two kitchens and two bathrooms !

  6. 你可以随心所欲,长夜坐而不寐;起身出外时,也不会有什么大房东二房东拦住你要房租。

    You could sit up as late as you pleased , and , whenever you got up , go abroad without any landlord or house-lord dogging you for rent .

  7. 老奶奶的头衔是“二房东”,而实际任务是照管门户,在圣诞节那天,便是这老奶奶把这间住房租给他的。

    It was this old woman , ornamented with the name of the principal lodger , and in reality intrusted with the functions of portress , who had let him the lodging on Christmas eve .

  8. 他每月付三个法郎给那当二房东的老妇人,让她来打扫屋子,每天早晨送他一点热水,一个新鲜蛋和一个苏的面包。

    He gave three francs a month to the old principal tenant to come and sweep his hole , and to bring him a little hot water every morning , a fresh egg , and a penny roll .

  9. 第二天,房东给我拿来了几个老鼠夹子,并一再嘱咐我:夹子上放诱饵时千万不能用中餐。

    The second day , my landlord brought me several mouse clips and told me again and again that I should not use Chinese food as baits .

  10. 二人于本月四日星期二辞别女房东后,

    The two bade adieu to their landlady upon Tuesday , the 4th inst. ,