
  • 网络Octacosanol;octacosane;n-Octacosane
  1. 本文研究了以吐温-80为乳化剂,将二十八烷醇和维生素E制成透明复合乳剂的方法。

    This paper is a research into the method , using Tween-80 as an emulsifier of making transparent and compound emulsion from octacosanol and vitamin E.

  2. 新型健康食品添加剂二十八烷醇的开发研究

    R & D on Octacosanol as A New Health Food Additives

  3. 从甘蔗渣中超临界CO2萃取二十八烷醇的研究

    Study on Supercritical CO_2 Extraction of Policosanol from Bagasse

  4. 超临界CO2萃取苹果皮渣中二十八烷醇的工艺研究

    Study on the production of Octacosanol by supercritical carbon dioxide fluid ( SCF-CO_2 ) extraction from apple pomace

  5. 在食品中添加二十八烷醇对尾吊大鼠部分生理指标影响的观察

    Effects of Octacosanol in Food on Physiological Parameters in Tail-suspended Rats

  6. 含二十八烷醇油胶囊安全性毒理学评价

    Safety and Toxicology Assessment of Cereal Germ Oil Capsule Containing Octacosanol

  7. 气相色谱法测定烟草提取物中二十八烷醇的含量

    Determination of Octacosanol in Extractant of Baccy by Gas Chromatography

  8. 二十八烷醇乳化液稳定性的研究及其抗疲劳运动饮料的开发

    Study on stability of octacosanol emulsion and sport drink with anti-fatigue function

  9. 蜂蜡中二十八烷醇的制备及其抗疲劳和耐缺氧功能的研究

    Studies on Preparation , Anti-fatigue and Anti-hypoxia Funtions of Octacosanol from Beeswax

  10. 二十八烷醇对实验动物免疫功能及游泳耐力的影响

    Effect of Octacosanol on Immunity and Swim Tolerance in Mice

  11. 二十八烷醇口服液的制备及其稳定性的研究

    Studies on Preparation of Octacosanol Oral Liquid and Its Stability

  12. 二十八烷醇增强高原军事作业能力的现场实验研究

    Field experiments of effects of octacosanol on military operation capacity at high altitude

  13. 二十八烷醇O/W乳状液稳定性的研究

    Study on stability of octacosanol O / W emulsion

  14. 蜂蜡中二十八烷醇的提取与加工研究

    Study on Extract and Process of Octacosanol in Beeswax

  15. 以蔗蜡为原料制备及纯化二十八烷醇

    Preparation and Purification of Octacosanol from Sugarcane Wax

  16. 二十八烷醇对小鼠心肌及骨胳肌能量代谢的影响

    The Effects of Octacosanol on Energy Metabolism of Skeletal and Cardiac Muscle in Mice

  17. 从长白山蜂蜡分离制备二十八烷醇

    Separation and Preparation of Octacosanol from Beeswax

  18. 结果说明二十八烷醇具有促进小鼠心肌及骨骼肌能量代谢的作用。

    The results suggested that octacosanol improved energy metabolism in both skeletal and cardiac muscles .

  19. 含二十八烷醇油胶囊缓解体力疲劳、降血脂功能研究

    Functional Action of Oil Capsule Containing Octacosanol on Reducing Blood Lipid and Alleviating Physical Fatigue

  20. 二十八烷醇对小鼠耐缺氧作用的实验研究葡萄籽原花青素耐缺氧作用的实验研究

    Preliminary Research of Grape Seed Proanthocyanidins 's Effect on the Role of Hypoxic Tolerance in Mice

  21. 二十八烷醇是具有显著抗疲劳功能的天然产物。

    Octacosanol has significant antifatigue function .

  22. 含二十八烷醇的高碳醇少量制备

    Preparation of Alkanols Mixture Containing Octacosanol

  23. 二十八烷醇的应用与制备

    Applications and preparations of policosanol

  24. 功能性物质二十八烷醇生理活性及应用研究进展

    A Review on the progress in the biological activities and applications of 1-Octacosanol as a functional matter

  25. 建立烟草提取物中二十八烷醇含量检测的气相色谱方法。

    A method was established for determination of Octacosanol in remainder of solanesol extractant by remainder of solanesol extractant .

  26. 综述二十八烷醇在食品、化妆品、饲料和医药等领域应用进展。

    Also , the application of octacosanol in many kands of fields , especially in food industry , were summarized .

  27. 二十八烷醇是一种高级饱和长链脂肪醇,水分散性差。

    Octacosanol is a kind of long chain fatty alcohols and it is very hard to disperse in water phase .

  28. 实验结果如下:1.建立了毛细管气相色谱法直接测定二十八烷醇含量的方法。

    The results were summarized as follows : 1 . A method for quantitative analysis of octacosanol by GC has been established .

  29. 二十八烷醇作为一种具有抗疲劳活性的功能性物质,是一种天然存在的长链饱和一元脂肪醇。

    Octacosanol , as an active anti-fatigue functional substance , is a concentrated form of the saturated unique long-chain fatty alcohol exist in the nature .

  30. 对世界公认的抗疲劳物质二十八烷醇的理化性质、在自然界中的分布状况、生理活性、制备方法及目前国内外应用研究状况进行了综述。

    The physical and chemical properties , distributed conditions in nature , physiological activities , preparations as well as applications of1-octacosanol are summarized in this paper .