- 名bivalent

CYTOGENETIC INVESTIGATION IN LEYMUS SECALINE ⅱ . Secondary association of bivalent
The characters of F_2 have very complex segregation and have three species of parent or middle , bivalent number from 14 to 20 and univalent number from 0 to 14 at metaphase of meiosis in F_2 ;
The difference of meiosis behavior among thirteen crossing combination were observed .
The association of XY-bivalent and the rearranged autosomes interfere with or affect , by their contact , X chromosome normal functions .
The sex-chromosomes of male plant exhibit a chain of trivalent ( Y_1-X-Y_2 ) in diakinesis of PMC meiosis . At metaphase I , they make a V-shaped or a ring configuration . Some of them may form a XY-bivalent and a Y - univalent .
There were unequal bivalents , homologous chromosome deconjugation , chromosome brige , unequal separation , laggard chromosomes , chromosome outside nucleus , micronuclei and so on .
The results showed that the univalent , bivalent and trivalent were observed at metaphase ⅰ, but the chromosome segregation was random at anaphase ⅰ .
Chromosome configurations of pollen mother cells ( PMCs ) in early generation ( T 0 ) of Agrobacterium mediated trangenic cotton vary very much , with a lot of monovalents , a few bivalents but without tri or malt valents .
No abnormal behavior was observed in the meiotic process of pollen mother cell of carrot , showing cytokinesis of simultaneous type . There were nine bivalents ( 9II ) at metaphase I , indicating it is a typical diploid species .
A cytogenetical study of heteromorphic bivalents in common wheat
When synapsis is complete the paired chromosomes are referred to as bivalents .
At diakinesis or metaphase in the first division of meioses , 29 divalents appeared .
Diakinesis bivalents end of some of the homologous chromosomes together only at the end .
Chromomere Study on Fish Pachytene Bivalents
Bivalents had been observed during diakinesis and metaphase I. No abnormal phenomena such as chromosome bridges and lagging were observed .
The chromosome behaviour in the course of meiosis of the sporocytes was found that local homology existed in 1-8 pairs of chromosome .
To ensure accurate segregation , homologous chromosomes form stable bivalents through a complex processes which include homologous pairing , synapsis and recombination .
The mitotic chromosomes and karyotype of meiotic bivalents in the prawn , Macrobrachium superbum Heller , were studied with preparations of testis .
Chromomeres in varying degrees of clearness were observed on early , middle and late pachytene bivalents in red crucian carp , Carassius auratus .
Synapsis ( pairing ) The association of homologous chromosomes during the prophase stage of meiosis that leads to the production of a haploid number of bivalents .
The results indicated that both the number of rod bivalents and the number of pre-division bivalents increased markedly after radiation , while the number of bivalent chiasma tended to decrease .
The analysis of chromosome behavior in miosis and frequency of bivalent chiasma at diakinesis of pollen mother cells of F1 hybrid plants , and the affinity extent were reported in this paper .
At metaphase ⅰ, 7 bivalents were frequently detected to separate into three groups , with a form of 3 + 2 + 2 , which indicated that at least four translocation events once occurred .
Chromosome measurement of root tip cells and the behavior of poll mother cells ( PMCs ) showed that the number of body cell chromosomes was 42 , and at metaphase I , poll mother cell chromosomes formed 21 bivalents , no univalent ;
Two-valenced and Non-substantive-object Verbs and the Related Sentence Patterns