- 名office clerk

[office clerk] 办公室的一般工作人员,尤指分管后勤或伙食的办公人员
He had hoped to continue as a full-time career officer
An old maester , a singer , and a young steward .
A jobless man applied for the position of " office boy " at Microsoft .
Make no comment about his nose . Jon Snow , Lord Commander Mormont has requested you for his personal steward .
I see Ser Alliser 's revenge , that 's all . He wanted it and he got it . Stewards are nothing but maids !
and where he was good enough - the lawful beadle being infirm - to keep an eye upon the boys , over whom he exercised great power , in virtue of his mysterious hook .
Halder to the builders . Pyp to the stewards . Toad to the builders . Grenn to the Rangers . Samwell to the stewards . Matthar to the Rangers . Dareon to the stewards .
I wish I could help you , but I 'm no Ranger . It 's the steward 's life for me . There 's honor in being a steward . Not much , really .
In a 1995 briefing now published by the National Archives , a desk officer said the purpose of reported alien craft sightings " needs to be established as a matter of priority , " adding there did not appear to be " hostile intent . "
Translation secretary / clerk She 's an office girl .
Olivier de Schutter , UN rapporteur on the right to food , is in no doubt that speculators are behind the surging prices .
And the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR ) has documented 12000 in Malaysia , but admits there may be twice that number .
One , introduced in May , would authorize inspectors with the city Department of Consumer Affairs to enforce a little-known state law that requires businesses to display their names in English .