
shì gōng
  • cause and contribution;achievements and successes
事功 [shì gōng]
  • [achievements and successes] 事业和功绩

  • 我疑心她有点罗曼谛克,急于事功

事功[shì gōng]
  1. 论南宋浙东事功学派的史学思想

    On the Historical Thoughts of The Eastern Zhejiang School in Southern Song Dynasty

  2. 单一一项伟大的事功,并不会使我们的人生有意义。

    ' We don 't make our lives meaningful with one great deed .

  3. 梅曾亮一生主要是读书、教书、为官京师,成就在文学不在事功。

    And his main accomplishment is in literature instead of being an officer .

  4. 论陈亮事功主义伦理思想的基本特征

    On Chen Liang 's Essential Features of Utilitarian Ethics

  5. 在哲学上,他批评程朱理学的空疏,强调修身与治世、尽性与事功的统一,试图建立一种事功型的心学模式。

    In philosophy , he attempted to establish a utilitarian pattern of thinking .

  6. 水的灵性,养成浙江文化敢于冒险、重利事功的文化个性。

    The spirituality of water cultivates Zhejiang culture the character of being adventurous and enterprising .

  7. 本文首次揭橥事功话语在秦史中的特殊意义。

    The paper reveals first time the discourse of feat in the history of Qin Dynasty .

  8. 这包括宋明理学家对于心性之学的过度发展和事功学派与明末清初思想家对于理学的纠偏和外王的强调两个方面。

    This consists of two sides : one is the excessive development on disposition of Neo-Confucianism ;

  9. 评梁漱溟的儒家人生追求和事功思想的交葛

    Comments on Containment of Liang Shu-ming 's Thoughts of Confucian 's Pursuit of Life and Utilitarianism

  10. 其为学讲求经世致用,倡导事功,是南宋永嘉学派重要代表人物。

    The school advocates feats , Southern Song Dynasty is the important representative of Yongjia school .

  11. 德性是道德心性修养的根据,智性是外在事功的依据。

    Virtue is the base of moral self-cultivation , and intellectual is the base of external utilitarian .

  12. 因为,一个人生命自体的真实呈露,只有在对摆脱社会事功疯狂的速度追逐后方有可能。

    Because , a person oneself life reveal , only the possibility as extricate the chase by crazy speed of the society .

  13. 就真实的才干和事功而言,诸葛亮在三国时代并不是最顶尖的人物。

    As regarded the true ability and achievements , Zhuge Liang was not the most top personage at the three Kingdoms age .

  14. 这种主张又往往与忠君爱国、事功济世、雅正崇古、忧时托志的精神交织在一起,引发他创作实践、审美心理的嬗变。

    This notion is often times mingled with his patriotic complex , leading to the change of his literary creation and aesthetic psyche .

  15. 该文系统概述潮籍近现代著名学者温丹铭先生的生平事功和其丰赡的学术和艺术著述;

    This thesis gives a summary of the life story and academic works of Wen Dan-ming , a contemporary scholar of Chaozhou origin .

  16. 叶适作为南宋时期永嘉学派的代表人物,集永嘉事功学派之大成,倡导经制事功之学,其经济思想以功利主义为基础,反对贵义贱利。

    Ye Shi is the representative figure of " Yongjia school " of the Southern Song Dynasty and his economic thought was based on utilitarianism .

  17. 要理解所有关于时间的事功和作用,必须从对于在场的期许和希望开始解释,将这种希望作为一个原初的事实接受。

    To understand the mystery of the work of time , we should start with the hope for the present , taken as a primary fact .

  18. 法家事功思想是东周历史潮流的反映和法家主体抉择的结果。

    The exploit and achievement thought of Legalist School was a reflection of Dong Zhou historical trend and an outcome chosen by the subjects of Legalist School .

  19. 于是传统文化思想中那些积极上进、勇为事功的内容得到挖掘、复兴、发扬、光大。二是向外看。

    Thus the traditional culture of those who thought positive and motivated for the content to be mining , rehabilitation , promoted , Ever bright Second , look out .

  20. 具体表现为:在生平行事上,他们表现出一种以行动求事功的进取的人生哲学风貌;在君臣关系上,他们更加注重君臣之间的相互选择。

    They showed enterprising philosophy style and feature of life that sought achievements for actions in life matters . They paid more attention to mutual choice of the monarch and them .

  21. 南宋爱国学者陈亮的教育思想如同其经济思想、哲学思想,同样带有浓厚的事功主义倾向,对当代教育也有一定启迪。

    Southern Song dynasty patriotic scholar Chen Liang 's educational ideas , just like his economic and military ones , has utilitarian characters which has a great im-pact on the current education .

  22. 仕途的挫折尽管使其早年事功追求难以实现,但由此促成了新的人生契机,走上著述之路。

    The frustration of his official career made him lose pursuit in his early age , but caused a new chance of life which made him walk up to the road of writing and compiling .

  23. 儒家的价值与存在理由并不依托于某一经济形态,亦不依托于外在事功的有效性,而在于其为生活世界提供的意义具有内在超越性。

    The Confucians ' value and their existence reasons neither depend on one economic formation nor on the effectiveness of their external action , but on their internal transcendence of significance provided by the life world .

  24. 南宋浙东事功学派代表人物陈亮的德育思想如同其经济思想、哲学思想,同样带有浓厚的事功主义倾向。

    In the Southern Song dynasty , as the representative of the School of Zhe Dong Shi Gong , Chen Liang 's moral education thought just like his economic and military ones , has utilitarian tendency .

  25. 在人才教育上,事功派和理学派也有尖锐的对立,尤其突出表现在人才教育观、教育目的论、教育内容观和教育实践观等几个方面。

    In terms of talents education , Lixue distinguishes itself from the East Zhejiang School in various aspects , including the views of elite education , the content of education , the aims of education and educational practice , etc.

  26. 黄宗羲还强调了学术经世的思想,指出如果学术与社会现实脱离了,那它就失去了存在的价值和意义,因此学道与事功不可判为两途。

    Represented by the academic world also stressed the idea that if academic and detached from social reality , that it lost its value and meaning of existence , School Road and Feats therefore can not be sentenced to two passers-by .

  27. 作为南宋永嘉事功之学的代表人物,叶适是在批判传统儒学义利观及封建正统经济思想的基础上阐述其事功之学及经济思想的,而富民论则是叶适经济思想的中心。

    YE shi , a very famous exponent of Yongjia School in the Southern Song Dynasty , set forth his utilitarian economic thought based on his criticisms at the traditional Confucian viewpoint of righteousness and profitability and the orthodox feudalistic economic idea .

  28. 浙商精神之所以在社会主义市场经济条件下仍然有强大的生命力重要原因之一就在于有着深厚的文化传承支撑,陈亮的事功思想就是这当中重要的组成部分。

    Zhejiang spirit of the reason why the socialist market economy still has great vitality important reason is that with the spirit of Zhejiang has a rich cultural heritage support , Chen Liang Utilitarian idea is that this important part of them .