
  1. 在苏伊士危机过去半个世纪之后,英国人部分程度上仍有因放弃争夺世界霸权而懊恼的心理。

    Half a century after Suez , part of the British psyche still laments this retreat from the world .

  2. 由于两个超级大国争夺世界霸权,导致国际危机迭起,几乎把人类社会拖到核战争的边缘。

    More and more crises happened and almost led to nuclear war because two Superpowers struggled for the world hegemony .

  3. 西方列强对中国的侵略是世界资本主义发展的必然产物,是资本主义国家开拓殖民地、争夺世界霸权的重要组成部分。

    Western powers on China 's aggression is one of the world capitalist development , the inevitable product of capitalist countries to open up a colony for the world an important part of hegemony .

  4. 结语部分指出低烈度战争战略是美国遏制战略发展的新阶段,是对遏制战略的继承与发展,这一战略从本质上而言仍然是美国在世界各地寻求扩张,与苏联争夺世界霸权的战略。

    This part indicates that the " low intensity warfare " strategy is the new development stage of the containment strategy , and it is still a strategy of struggling for global hegemony in the essence .

  5. 战后不久,由于争夺世界霸权的目标和利益冲突,美苏由战时盟友转变为敌手,冷战爆发。

    Owing to conflicts caused by pursuits of the target for the world hegemony and national interests , relationship between U.S. - Soviet converted to opponents from alliances shortly after the World War II , bringing out the Cold War .

  6. 二战结束后,美国成为真正意义上的世界大国,为了与苏联争夺世界霸权把拉美作为其后院。

    After the second world war , the United States became the real world power . In order to fight for the world hegemony against The Soviet Union , the United States treated Latin America as the " backyard " .

  7. 冷战时期美国安全战略以军事安全为主,以苏联为主要对手,以威慑+遏制为主要战略,争夺世界霸权。

    During the Cold War , American security strategies focused on the martial security . It regarded the Soviet Union as its main rival and tried to scrabble for the supremacy in the whole world with " deterrence and containment " as its foremost strategies .

  8. 第二次世界大战是人类历史上空前的一次战争,无论是轴心国德日,还是同盟国美英,各自为了争夺世界霸权,在不同程度上展开了情报工作。

    The Second Word War is unprecedented in Human history , Whether the Axis - Germany and Japan , or the Allies - the United States and the Britain , they unfolded the intelligence work in varying degrees in order to contend for world hegemony .

  9. 但是,如果我们要问:是甚么灵方妙药使得希腊人,在鼎盛时代,尽管酒神祭冲动和政治冲动非常剧烈,却不会因为静坐参禅,或者因为穷兵黩武,为了争夺世界霸权和世界荣誉,以致精疲力竭;

    But let us ask by means of what remedy it was possible for the Greeks during their great period , in spite of the extraordinary strength of their Dionysian and political instincts , not to exhaust themselves either in ecstatic brooding or in a consuming chase after worldly power and worldly honor ,

  10. 两次世界大战期间,英美在加拿大的经济竞争是两国争夺世界经济霸权的缩影。

    That the UK-US economic competition in Canada between the two world wars is the epitome of contending for the world economic hegemony .

  11. 因此英俄两国在中亚的争夺是欧洲列强争夺世界霸权和争夺殖民地的必然结果。

    So , The conflict between Britain and Russia in Central Asia was the inevitable outcome of European big powers contended world hegemony and colony .