
  • 网络qianlong emperor;emperor qianlong;qianlong
  1. 在乾隆皇帝的四十景里,这是他命名的第一处景观。

    The Qianlong Emperor designated this place the first of his Forty Views .

  2. 1793年,乾隆皇帝向英国大使马嘎尔尼,中方没有使用欧洲制造的产品。

    In1793 , the Qianlong Emperor stated to the British Ambassador LordMacartney that China had no use for European manufactured products .

  3. 当时乾隆皇帝要在全国微服出访,他告诉自己的仆人不得透露自己的身份。

    Servants were told not to reveal their master 's identity .

  4. 它是18世纪乾隆皇帝修建的。

    It was built by Emperor Qian Long in the eighteenth century .

  5. 清朝的乾隆皇帝在扬州用早餐。

    Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty was having breakfast in Yangzhou .

  6. 乾隆皇帝弘历是一位博雅好古,兴趣广泛,有着多方面才艺的天子,写有不少陶瓷题材的诗歌。

    Emperor Qianlong , a versatile king , wrote many poems on porcelain .

  7. 乾隆皇帝茶诗与中国茶文化

    Tea Poets of Qianlong and The Culture of Tea

  8. 朝鲜朝燕行使节眼中的乾隆皇帝形象

    The Image of Emperor Qianlong in the Eyes of Choson Envoys to Yenching

  9. 第二章论述乾隆皇帝亲自主持征集天下书籍;

    The second chapter discusses Emperor Qianlong personally manage to collect the world books ;

  10. 第三章阐述了乾隆皇帝对《四库全书》纂修全过程的直接过问;

    The third chapter expounds he directly concerns with the whole process of compilation ;

  11. 同时,乾隆皇帝下令新修部分文献。

    At the same time , Emperor Qianlong orders to write some new books .

  12. 韩佳:传说这乾隆皇帝其实是陈阁老的儿子。

    It is said Emperor Qianlong was actually a son of Prime Minister Chen .

  13. 在清朝,龙井茶是乾隆皇帝的最爱。

    In the Qing Dynasty longjing tea was the favourite one of Emperor Qianlong .

  14. 有一个乾隆皇帝和他的一些大臣的览。

    Qian Long and his prime ministers .

  15. 乾隆皇帝咏玻璃

    Emperor Qian Long 's Ode to Glass

  16. 五龙亭和九龙壁就是乾隆皇帝加建造的。

    It was Emperor QianLong who added the Five Dragon Pavilions and the Nine Dragon Screen .

  17. 当然在此过程中,乾隆皇帝也领导了禁书活动,给中国传统文化带来了一场浩劫。

    Of course , Emperor Qianlong also leaded the movement of forbidden books in the process .

  18. 乾隆皇帝喜欢游幸,曾先后六下江南。

    Emperor Qianlong liked traveled and had been the south of the Changjiang River for six times .

  19. 乾隆皇帝与佛教

    The Emperor QianLong and Buddhism

  20. 所以才有了乾隆皇帝下江南,有四次都是住在这里的故事。

    That 's why during his southern inspection tours , the emperor stayed here on four occasions .

  21. 第四章分析了乾隆皇帝对《四库全书》编纂思想的影响;

    The fourth chapter analyzes the influence that Emperor Qianlong 's thought has affected on Si Ku Quart Shu ;

  22. 伴随着乾隆皇帝治下的盛世,大清帝国走过了它的黄金岁月。

    With the prosperous period under Qianlong 's control , Qing Danasty comes to the end of its golded times .

  23. 圆明园中的西洋楼是一处模仿外国建筑风情的园林,乾隆皇帝专门请了外国建筑师来建造这处园林,以满足自己追求新奇的口味。

    The designers of these structures were employed by Emperor Qianlong to satisfy his taste for exotic buildings and objects .

  24. 还传说乾隆皇帝有一年命人搭构云梯,想亲自上去看个究竟。

    Also legend Emperor Qianlong ordered a year take the structure ladder , want to personally see what was going on .

  25. 亭身是空透的,亭檐上悬挂着清朝乾隆皇帝书写的历下亭匾额。

    The pavilion is open with a stele hanging on the eave inscribed by the Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty .

  26. 这对香炉据信是弘历阿哥(即后来的乾隆皇帝)送给其父的寿辰贺礼。

    They are believed to have been a birthday gift from Prince Hongli ( later Emperor Qianlong ) to his father .

  27. 第三部分主要从多方面讨论了乾隆皇帝惩治贪污却愈演愈烈的原因。

    The third part discussed the reason of that Qianlong punished the corrupt defeat and the case increasingly fierce in diversiform aspects .

  28. 大约在200多年前,清朝的乾隆皇帝在南巡时,对地方上的戏剧产生了浓厚的兴趣。

    About 200 years ago , the Qing Emperor Qianlong toured in southern China and developed an interest in the local operas .

  29. 本文运用一分为二的方法对乾隆皇帝的目录学思想、原则和方法进行了较全面的探讨;

    Using the dialectical method , an overall investigation is made on Emperor Qian Long 's ideas , principles and methods on bibliography .

  30. 玉澜堂曾是清朝乾隆皇帝和他的大臣、朋友们消遣乐的地方。

    The hall of jade ripples used to be the place where Qing Emperor Qianlong spent his leisure hours with his ministers and friends .