- dairy cattle;milch cow

[dairy cattle;milch cow] 为供奶而专门饲养的牛,比一般母牛产奶量高。也叫奶牛
Effects of Imbalance Between Ca and P on Hoof Disease of Dairy Cattle
Clinical use of a CN dairy cattle mastitis electronic detector
His herd of 170 dairy cattle and 200 young stock are kept on the land .
Cows were roaming the grassland .
Effect of alkaline pH and salt concentration on Suillus luteus mycelia growth
Studies on the secretion of aflatoxin m_1 in cow 's milk after a aflatoxin b_1 feeding
Study on rapid detection technique of DNA in Brucella abortus from dairy cows with brucellosis
Laboratory evaluation on PCR diagnostic kit for detecting brucellosis in dairy cow
Comparison of abundance of LDLR mRNA in liver of periparturient dairy cows intaking different energy
Preliminary Investigation of Human HBV-Like Particles in Cows Sera
dairy The Hopkins run the biggest dairy farm in the state of Arizona .
In Ethiopia and Tanzania , the African Dairy Genetic Gains program is using SMS and cutting-edge genomics
Distribution of S-100 positive dendritic cells in retropharyngeal lymph nodes of dairy cow
Construction of template for detecting changes of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein mRNA in liver of dairy cows
Effect of Rumex K-1 on Milk Production and Composition in Holstein Dairy Cows
CH4 and H2S generated during the hen and porcine manure fermentation , but no CH4 and H2S measured during the dairy cattle manure fermentation .
Study on the Optimum Design of Dairy Cattle 's Diet and Evaluation Its Application Effect by CNCPS and GI
Up-to-date of biotechnique in dairy industry , including the use of BST to increase the milk production and improve the immunity of milk were introduced .
Study on Measurement of Serum 1,25-Dihydroxy Chole-calciferol ( DHCC ) and the Mechanism of the Osseous Metabolism Disease
The 117 cows were divided lute two groups of both experimental group and centrol group . The experimental group was feeded by NRC nutritional standard of cow .
A STUDY ON AGAR GEL DIFFUSION PRECIPITATION TEST IN BOVINE BRUCELLOSIS The serum samples of affected goat were detected by IHA and agar gel precipitation ( AGP ) .
Having been identified and safety-tested , the above bacteria were mixed and cultivated to inoculate and ferment raw medium to microbiological culture BLS which was used to feed dairy cow .
PAC complex feed additive was used to feed Holstein cows . Results demonstrated milk yield and milk fat content of Holstein cows could be increased 7.62 % and 10 % with addition 0.4 % of PAC complex feed additive .
The results showed that newborn calves had moderately developed thymus at birth and contained numerous ANAE-positive lymphocytes . The distribution of the ANAE-positive cells gradually increased from the cortex toward the medulla in thymus .
To observe the distribution of dendritic cells ( DCs ) in retropharyngeal lymph nodes of dairy cow , lymph nodes were obtained from 10 healthy dairy cow . Paraffin sections were prepared as usual , and immunohistochemistry staining was conducted with S-100 protein as a marker of DCs .
The milk samples from 24 dairy cows positive for brucellosis with the serum agglutination test were examined by the method and all of the milk specimens were positive and the diagnostic result can be obtained within 48 hours . head continuous with body ;
The immunodiffusion ( ID ) test and improved micro immunodiffusion ( MID ) test for detecting antibodies to bovine leukemia virus ( BLV ) were applied to 1402 Holstein cattle sera of 13 herds in Nanjing and Shanghai area for seroepidemiological study of BLV infection .
Lactating cows were fed on " Jin chule " ( Increase milk product ) for 80 days by adopting controlled cross by stages design program .
The seedling experimentation of Pinus taeda was studied . The best combination of seedling was that the seedling density 100 ~ 150 trees / m ~ 2 , retaining half of the main root length of a seedling , and artificial inoculation of Suillus grevillei .
It was concluded that the disease was resulted from lower DHCC content in serum , which was caused by the disfunction of the kidney , so the vitamine D can not be converted into DHCC .