
  • 网络Written;written communication;writing communication
  1. 你可能怀着些许悲伤看着那些书面沟通日子的正式得体,但是剩下的日子证明他们像Dillinger一样死板。

    You may look at the days of formal graces in written communication with some sadness , but rest assured that they are as dead as Dillinger .

  2. 其沟通形式有书面沟通和口头沟通两种。

    There are two forms : written communication and oral communication .

  3. 英语口头与书面沟通能力良好;

    Good English communication skills , both oral and written ;

  4. 优秀的英语口语和书面沟通能力,组织和处理多重任务的能力。

    Excellent oral and written communication skills , organization and ability to multitask .

  5. 能够进行有效的口头和书面沟通。

    Ability to communicate effectively verbally and in writing .

  6. 与经理,不同部门的同事,操作监督以及其他有关人员的口头与书面沟通。

    Manager , different departmental colleagues , shift supervisor and others both verbally and written .

  7. 沟通途径主要通过网络沟通,电话沟通,书面沟通,面对面沟通等。

    Exchange channels include network exchange , telephone exchange , writing communication , face-to-face communication and so on .

  8. 进行有效的口头和书面沟通的能力。前头有条通向河道的水沟。

    Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing . Ahead there was a ditch running into the river .

  9. 具备较强的口头及书面沟通能力和商务洽谈能力;

    It is oral and link up ability and commercial affair and negotiate ability in writing to possess the stronger one ;

  10. 政务信息是一种使用较广泛的事务性公文,也是行政沟通过程中重要的书面沟通形式。

    Government information is a more extensive use of transactional documents , administrative communication is important during the written forms of communication .

  11. 不过,我依然不放弃任何讲华语的机会,也继续以华文同家人和朋友作书面沟通。

    However , that has not stopped me from continuing to speak Mandarin whenever possible and writing in Chinese to my family members and friends .

  12. 提高组织绩效沟通有效性的策略分析进行有效的口头和书面沟通的能力。

    A Strategic Analysis of How to Improve the Validity of Communication about Performance Among Organizations Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing .

  13. 虽然我们生活在推特和语音信息的时代,但良好的书面沟通能力对你的职业发展依然重要。

    We live in an era of tweets and sound bites , but good written communication skills still matter when it comes to your career .

  14. 与其它书面沟通相似,发送一封电子邮件也需谨记恰当的格式,尤其是商务电子邮件。

    Just like any other written communication , there is a proper form to keep in mind when sending an email , especially a business email .

  15. 第三章着重介绍了企业管理中常用的沟通工具,包括面谈、书面沟通、会议、网络会议。

    Chapter III focuses on the utility of communication that appears in enterprise management , including : interview , written communication , meeting , online meeting .

  16. “传播”领域覆盖范围颇广,包括口头沟通、书面沟通,以及语言之外的表达。

    This degree isn 't just for pageant contestants anymore . " Communication " is a very diverse field and includes spoken , written , and non-verbal cues .

  17. 本门课程的核心是学习如何通过可靠来源寻求相关数据,以及如何有效地进行书面沟通。

    Learn how to find relevant data through the use of credible sources will be a main focus of this course , as well as how to effectively communication in writing .

  18. 随着行政体制改革的加快和各部门之间联系的加强,政务信息作为重要的书面沟通方式在行政沟通过程中的作用凸显。

    With the acceleration of administrative reform and strengthening of linkages between the various departments , government information written communication as an important administrative role in the process of communication highlights .

  19. 通过对英国新人文学院2000名学生的调查发现,尽管近四分之一的面试者声称自己拥有优秀的书面沟通能力,但是其中很多人在简历中犯了陈词滥调的禁忌。

    Despite almost a quarter of candidates claiming they have excellent written communication skills , many of them fall foul of using worn clich é s in their CVs , the survey of 2000 from New College of the Humanities found .

  20. 出色的书面和口头沟通技巧。

    Excellent written and verbal communication .

  21. 商务英语函电是国际贸易中用书面语言进行沟通以达到各种商务目标的重要交际手段。

    Business letter & cable in English is an important means of communication in written English for various business purposes .

  22. 一种可能包含图形的书面的市场沟通工具,它的目标是向目标客户传达特定的信息。

    A market communication tool which is usually written and may contain graphics , whose goal is to communicate specific messages to a target customer .

  23. 较强的领导能力,项目管理能力,书面和口头沟通能力,及财务预算能力。

    Demonstrated Leadership skills , project management , ability to manage multiple priorities , effective written and oral communication skills , presentation skills and budget and management skills .

  24. 较强的口头及书面表达能力、沟通协调的技巧和方法;

    Strong ability to speak and write and have communication skill and method .