
shū jì yuán
  • clerk;recorder;secretary ;engrossment clerk
  1. 书记员宣读了刑事起诉书。

    The clerk to the justices read out the indictment .

  2. 输入书记员的判断:仅以归还房产为目的并发出执行判决的令状。不适用民事诉讼法第1174(c)款。(民事诉讼法第1169条)

    Enter clerk ′ s judgment : For restitution of the premises only and issue a writ of execution on the judgment . CCP1174 ( C ) DOES NOT APPLY . ( CCP1169 ) .

  3. 书记员把在法庭上所有的话都记录在案。

    Clerks transcribe everything that is said in court .

  4. 他为最高法院的大法官做书记员。

    He clerked for the chief justice of the Supreme Court .

  5. 让未经过训练的书记员在诸如谋杀等重大案件中提供建议是普遍的做法。

    It was standard practice for untrained clerks to advise in serious cases such as murder

  6. 他是norfolk的一个书记员。

    He was a clerk at norfolk .

  7. 法庭书记员将把那句话从记录中删去。

    The court reporter will strike that remark from the record .

  8. 法庭里的一位书记员听见门背后有人在笑。

    A clerk hears laughing behind the door of a courtroom .

  9. 正如法庭书记员可能采用的描述:审判(考验)还在继续。

    As court reporters might put it : the trial continues .

  10. 他曾是我的法庭书记员

    He was a clerk in my court for a time .

  11. 难道我的书记员不知道该如何画吗?

    Isn 't my scribe supposed to know how to draw ?

  12. 两个候选人都用了专业书记员来准备他们的竞选演讲。

    Both candidates used professional scribes to prepare their campaign speeches .

  13. 书记员宣读了控告书。

    The clerk of the court read out the charges .

  14. 新兵以为书记员是负责写字的,长官!

    The recruit thought the scribe was supposed to write , sir !

  15. 书记员宣布她已被正式选人委员会。

    The clerk declared her duly elected to the committee .

  16. 每名法官配一名私人法院书记员。

    Each Judge to have one personal attorney clerk .

  17. 他是当地高尔夫俱乐部的书记员。

    He was Secretary of the local golf club .

  18. 警察也进来了,助理检察官也进来了,书记员也进来了。

    And police officers were coming in and assistant prosecutors and clerk workers .

  19. 请书记员把裁决拿过来?

    Will the clerk please bring the verdict up ?

  20. 我父亲审讯案的法庭书记员

    The courtroom clerk during my father 's trial .

  21. 书记员穿着蜘蛛套装。

    The stenographer is dressed like a spider .

  22. 论人民法院书记员制度及其完善

    Talk about Clerk System of the People 's Court and How to Consummate It

  23. 嗯,书记员变成了计算机。

    Well , the clerks are the computers .

  24. 确认拷贝书记员的邮件。

    Confirmed copies , clerk 's mail .

  25. “五美元一个字,太太。”书记员礼貌地回答。

    " It 's five dollars a word , ma'am ," the clerk replied politely .

  26. 我可以靠近书记员吗,法官大人?

    Approach the clerk , your honor ?

  27. 这一审判组织由1名独任法官,4名法官助理和2名书记员组成。

    This trial group is composed of one judge , four judge assistants and two clerks .

  28. 论法院书记员管理制度

    The administrative system for court clerks

  29. 审理本案的审判人员、书记员应当回避而未回避的;

    The judges , clerks hearing the case who should have withdrawn but did not withdraw ;

  30. 法庭的裁决与法官书记员的意见相悖。

    26.The decision of the court runs counter to the advice of the clerk to the justice .