
  • 网络battle of the books et al;battle of the books eat
  1. 那些书战那些衣服皆是我的。

    Both these books and those clothes are mine .

  2. 这样的举措正合“行动型”股东卡尔•伊坎(CarlIcahn)的意,伊坎今年曾发起一场委托书争夺战,试图在摩托罗拉董事会获得一席,但没有成功。

    Such a move would satisfy activist investor Carl Icahn , who this year ran an unsuccessful proxy fight to gain a board seat .

  3. 在西汉末期(公元前206年至公元24年),刘向在有关这一时期的资料的基础上,根据这一时期的特点,将史料编撰成书《战国策叙录》。

    At the end of Western Han Dynasty ( 206 BC - 24 AD ) , Liu Xiang , based on the information about this period , compiled a book and named it the History of Warring States according to the character of this period .

  4. 这本书的闪电战推广策略带来了某种震撼效果。

    The publicity blitzkrieg accompanying her book has brought with it a kind of shock and awe all of its own .

  5. 我不断地提醒自己,这不仅是一场书的宣传之战,同时也是一场成名之战。

    I am keeping reminding myself that it 's not only hard work for my promoting book , but also for me to become famous .

  6. 鲍勃1982年出版了他的第一本书《弗兰克林之战》,1987年出版了《第一次接触》。

    Connolly published his first book –" The Fight for the Franklin " in1982 and " First Contact "– New Guinea 's Highlanders Encounter the Outside World ( with Anderson ) in1987 .