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书坛 [shū tán]
  • [calligraphy circles] 书法界

  1. 所以,唐初的书坛自然为王羲之书风所笼罩。TTU标模及平顶罩棚类低矮建筑的风洞试验研究

    Almost all calligraphy works of the early Tang Dynasty were influenced by Wang Xizhi . Wind-Tunnel Investigation of TTU Standard Model and the Flat Canopied Low-rise Buildings

  2. 《书法雅言》正宗观:晚明书坛捍卫传统的号角

    Shu Fa Ya Yan : Clarion Call in Calligraphy Circles of Late Ming to guard tradition

  3. 作为史学、哲学研究者,其以宽博古拙、极具个性的章草卓然立于书坛。

    As history and philosophy researcher , he stand in calligraphy by broad simple and highly personalized chapter .

  4. 近几十年来,王铎在中日书坛上产生了广泛的影响。

    Wang Duo 's calligraphy have largely influenced the calligraphers in both Japan and China in the past decades .

  5. 当代书坛包括古典派、现代派和学院派三个创作流派。

    Modern calligraphy field now mainly includes three creation schools : classical school , modern school , and academic school .

  6. 当代书法复兴运动中的河南书坛&改革开放30年的河南书法

    Henan Calligraphy in Modern Calligraphy Revival Movement & Henan Calligraphy in the Past 30 Years since China 's Reform and Opening-up

  7. 奠定其书坛王者地位的佳作《兰亭序》是中国书法形式美的典范,也是王羲之人生品格美的写照。

    His masterpiece-Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection holds up a mirror to the beauty of Chinese calligraphy and his moral quality .

  8. 王世贞的书法观具有重要的历史价值,对当代书坛尤多启迪。

    Wang 's theory of Chinese calligraphy critique is historically valuable to enrich our approaches to the contemporary Chinese calligraphy theoretically and practically .

  9. 陶博吾先生的书法结体丑陋,笔画生拙,气韵厚重,情调高古,在当代书坛上独树一帜。

    Mr Tao Bowu flies his own colours in contemporary calligraphy circles with his rough structure , simple strokes , solid flavor and elegant sentiment .

  10. 本文分时风变革、书学渊源、书坛影响三个专题对赵孟、沈尹默作了深入的比较。

    The paper makes deep comparison between Zhao Mengfu and Shen Yinmo from three subjects , namely changes of contemporary practice , calligraphic origins and influence .

  11. 文章概括总结了当前书坛的发展面貌,并指出了存在的六大误区,为书法走向真正的繁荣和超越书法历史高峰提供了理论上的参考。

    The present development of calligraphy and six misunderstandings are presented , which will provide reference for the true prosperity of calligraphy and for surmounting the peak of it .

  12. 进入二十世纪,碑学成为书坛的主流,传统帖学开始走向边缘化,很少受到书家的关注。

    Since the1900s , Stele Theory has becoming the main trend of the calligraphy field , Model Calligraphy has been marginalized , and they were received little attention by the calligraphers .

  13. 广西书坛八桂书风的构想与推出,并作为广西的一个文化品牌加以培育,这是值得广西书法界庆幸的大事。

    Guangxi calligraphists ' artwork fair " BaGui book wind " idea and launch , and as a culture of guangxi brand to foster , this is worth guangxi calligraphy event .

  14. 南风温柔地吹来。多言的鹦鹉在笼里睡着了。所以,唐初的书坛自然为王羲之书风所笼罩。

    The breeze of the south comes gently . The noisy parrot sleeps in its cage . almost all calligraphy works of the early Tang Dynasty were influenced by Wang Xizhi .

  15. 时至近代,常熟书坛名家辈出,象杨沂孙、翁同龢、萧蜕等都是大名鼎鼎的书法家。

    As time came to the modern age , there appeared a number of famous calligraphers covering several generations , for example , Yang Yisun , Wun Tonghe and Xiao Tui .

  16. 王铎草书在明代晚期、清代前中期及现当代的国内外书坛有重大的影响。

    The Cursive Script of Wang Duo has significant effect on the Calligraphy Circle home and abroad in the late Ming Dynasty , the early and middle Qing Dynasty as well as the contemporary times .

  17. 文氏始出于成都,在不断繁衍和迁徙中,形成了文徵明为代表的苏州文氏,并成为明清时期活跃于书坛、画坛的名门望族。

    The family of Wen came from Chengdu in early , in the course of multiplying and migrating , this family became the famous last name of Suzhou who actively performed in painting and calligraphy field . , and the typical master is Wen Zhengming .

  18. 他虽然没有系统的书法理论专著,但是,作为宋代尚意书法的主要倡导者和中流砥柱,他的书法思想不但左右了当时书坛的主流风向,而且对后世的书法产生了深远的影响。

    A main leader and the pillar of advocating ' Shangyi Calligraphy ' as he is , though without any systematic theoretical monographs on calligraphy , Su Shi drived the mainstream direction in the field and had a great impact on the handwriting of the future generation .