
  • 网络force of habit;habit strength
  1. 文化落地:关注文化背后的习惯力量

    Culture Landing On Habit Strength behind the Culture

  2. 新的HI-2790B提供新,习惯力量,并且改进表现的控制模块,简化操作和为服务单位。

    The new HI-2790B offers a new , custom power and control module that improves performance , simplifies operation and servicing of the unit .

  3. 它就是一本查尔斯•都希格(CharlesDuhigg)所著的《习惯的力量》(ThePowerofHabit),这本书指出,重振一个衰落组织的最佳方式是找出一个坏习惯,然后改正它。

    It 's a copy of The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg , which argues that the best way of reviving a sick organisation is to pick on one bad habit and change it .

  4. 比利时之所以能够保持稳定,秘诀之一就在于习惯的力量。

    One of the secrets to Belgium 's stability is force of habit .

  5. 如果想要了解错综复杂的习惯的力量,这是一本必看的书。

    A must read for everyone to understand the intricacies of the habits .

  6. 别说脏话,你应该知道习惯的力量。

    Don 't speak dirty words , u should know the power of custom .

  7. 习惯的力量的巨大的。

    Force of habit is great .

  8. 习惯的力量是惊人的,积极的思维,高效工作,锻炼身体,广泛爱好,快速行动。

    Habits'strength is amazing : positive thinking , efficient work , exercise widely-loving , fast action .

  9. 论功能性作品版权保护的理论困惑及解决路径&重估习惯的力量

    A Dilemma and Solution of Copyright Protection of Functional Works : Reassessing the Force of the Custom

  10. 习惯的力量&个体习惯、规则和经营惯例

    The Power Of Habit

  11. 好的服务、合理的回报和习惯的力量可以说服很多人在瑞士留下储备金作为不时之需。

    Good service , reasonable returns and force of habit could persuade many to retain a nest-egg in Switzerland .

  12. 然而,由于习惯的力量,这个新的社会结构还保存着传统。

    Due to the force of habit , however , the new social structure is still preserved in tradition .

  13. 你的需求就会反过来成为习惯的力量,然后你就会变成了习惯的奴隶了。

    Your desires are turned over to the force of habit , and you become the slave of the habit .

  14. 你只有把好习惯的力量潜移默化地融入潜意识中,才会有所提高。

    In order to make progress you need to tap into the power of your subconscious mind , the source of your habits .

  15. 艾莱柯从小就是个基督徒,基督徒的规矩和习惯的力量都约束着她的情感。

    Aleck was a Christian from the cradle , and duty and the force of habit required her to go through the motions .

  16. TheProfoundPowerofHabits习惯深不可测的力量相比你的梦想,你的习惯会带领你走得更远。

    Your habits will take you further than your dreams .

  17. 中国农村土地权利冲突问题实质上是中国政治、经济、法律、社会、道德、习惯等各种力量的冲突,冲突的复杂性造成了中国农村土地使用规则的不确定性。

    China 's rural land right conflicts in the Chinese political , economic , legal , social , moral , customs force to the conflicts , which caused by the complexity of China 's rural land-use rules'uncertainty .

  18. 但是,使我倍受打击的是自小便学习舞蹈的我竟然对此一点没有感觉:早已习惯了全身力量的集中控制,现在却要学会放松;

    But it gave me big beating though I began to dance when I was young , I had no feeling on it . I used to full body 's controlling , now should learn to relax ;

  19. 他们习惯说知识就是力量。我以前也是这样,但现在我知道他们说的是钱。

    They used to say knowledge is power . I used to think so , but I now know that they mean money .

  20. 今天,我想鼓励你去改变你的坏习惯,从而用好习惯的力量去改变你的生活。

    Today I want to encourage you to change some of your bad habits to good habits and use the power of " habit " to change your life .

  21. 正是在这个问题中,我们可以看到习惯转变为习惯法的关键所在:使习惯转变为习惯法的神秘力量,正是法官的职权本身,是法官的职权给习惯打上了法律的印记。

    Just through the very problem , we can get the key that the custom becomes customary law : the secret power changing custom into customary law is the authority of the judge . It is the authority of the judge that stamps the seal of law into the custom .