
But analysts say neither side in the Yemen conflict has the kind of weaponry that would pose a serious threat to tankers in the Bab el-Mandeb .
Cold Weather Adds to Misery of Yemen 's Displaced Tens of thousands of people have fled the conflict in northern Yemen over the past five months .
Sixteen countries , including areas of conflict such as Syria and Yemen , witnessed a decrease , and 39 countries , including the U.S. , stayed the same .
The United States is strongly condemning the upsurge in violence in Yemen including Friday 's shelling attack on the presidential compound in Sana'a that wounded President Ali Abdullah Saleh .
In Syria and Yemen , internal conflicts swell , as brave civilians take to the streets , but there is little outsiders can do , it seems , to influence the outcome .
Chinese drones have already appeared in conflicts in Iraq , Yemen and Nigeria .