
  • 网络Wharf
  1. 25岁的DavidWan说,就在九龙仓降价的一周前,他首付40000美元买了一套两居室。

    David Wan , 25 , said he had put $ 40,000 down on a two-bedroom apartment just a week before Wharf cut the price .

  2. 香港顶级开发商——如新鸿基(SunHungKai)、恒基地产(HendersonLand)以及九龙仓(WharfHoldings)——地产销售占总收入不到一半。

    Hong Kong 's top developers - such as Sun Hung Kai , Henderson Land , and Wharf - derive less than half of their revenues from unit sales .

  3. 香港集团公司九龙仓(wharf)曾考虑全盘收购付费电视经营商有线宽频通讯有限公司(i-cablecommunications),但本月宣布将不再推进该笔交易。

    Wharf , the Hong Kong conglomerate , contemplated an offer to buy out pay-TV operation i-CABLE Communications , but announced this month that it would not go ahead .

  4. 他们举着标语,砸了售楼处的楼盘模型,并要求开发商九龙仓集团有限公司(Wharf(Holdings)Ltd.,简称:九龙仓集团)退款。这些业主购房之后,九龙仓集团把房价下调了20%,导致他们购买的房屋瞬间贬值。

    They put up banners , trashed architectural models in the showroom and demanded refunds from the developer , Wharf ( Holdings ) Ltd. Wharf had cut prices by as much as 20 % after these protesters bought their apartments , making their purchases suddenly worth less .

  5. 在几个街区外的另一处九龙仓楼盘,一位警官正试图向一名抗议者解释中国房地产业的新现实。

    A few blocks away at another Wharf project , a police officer tried to explain to a demonstrator the new reality of housing in China .

  6. 九龙仓集团为动用保安之举进行了辩护。该公司的一位发言人说,除非客户出现不理智的行为,否则公司不会去碰他们。九龙仓集团说,降价是为了清理库存。该公司称这种做法是“正常的市场行为”。

    Wharf defends using the guards , who a spokesman said ' wouldn 't touch the customers unless they behaved unreasonably . ' The company said it cut prices to clear inventory , which it called ' normal market behavior . '