
  1. 乔治九月一日从学校回到家中。

    George comes from school on the first of September .

  2. 新图书馆将在九月一日起开放。

    The new library will open from 1 September .

  3. 九月一日是新学期的第一天。

    The first of September is the first day of our new term .

  4. 一九九八年九月一日,城巴接办了中巴11条路线。

    On September 1 , 1998 , the company took over 11 routes from CMB .

  5. 学校九月一日开课。

    School will begin on September1st .

  6. 新学期于九月一日开始。

    School reopens on September 1 .

  7. 由一九九七年九月一日起,部分船只出入口手续可经由互联网办理。

    From September 1 , 1997 , certain port formalities can also be processed via the Internet .

  8. 我注册进了维多利亚英语学院,从九月一日念到三月二十日。

    I am enrolled at the Victorian English school from Sept. 1 st to March 20 th .

  9. 哈利的信让他九月一日仍旧从国王十字车站搭乘霍格沃茨特快列车。

    Harry 's told him to catch the Hogwarts Express as usual from King 's Cross station on September first .

  10. 罗斯托夫家直到九月一日,即敌军开进莫斯科前夕,都还留在城里。

    THE ROSTOVS remained in Moscow till the 1st of September , the day before the enemy entered the city .

  11. 她相信到了九月一日那一天,他射到的鸟一定比全国任何人都要多。

    and she was sure he would kill more birds on the first of September , than any body else in the country .

  12. 九月一日晚,库图佐夫发布了俄军经莫斯科撤退至梁赞公路的命令。

    ON THE NIGHT of the1st of September Kutuzov gave the Russian troops the command to fall back across Moscow to the Ryazan road .

  13. 1923年九月一日,中午之前,一场里氏7.9级的地震横扫了东京-横滨地区。

    Shortly before noon on September 1 , 1923 , an earthquake measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale sent shockwaves through the Tokyo-Yokohama metropolitan area .

  14. 每晚临睡前,哈利总要在亲手钉在墙上的那张纸上钩去过去的一天,心中期盼着九月一日早日来临。

    Every night before he went to sleep , Harry ticked off another day on the piece of paper he had pinned to the wall , counting down to September the first .

  15. 这个前苏联盟国的白俄罗斯,以排场浩大的仪式庆祝九月一日开学日。当天学童穿正式服装,并且带大束鲜花献给老师。

    The first day of school on Sept.1 is marked with elaborate ceremony in the former Soviet Union , with children dressed in formal clothes and bringing huge bouquets of flowers for teachers .

  16. 现沈阳至大连高速公路一九九○年九月一日全线建成通车,被誉为神州第一路,是同江至三亚国道主干线(GZ10)的重要组成部分,也是我省的交通大动脉。

    Shenyang to Dalian Expressway , the first and longest expressway within Mainland and key part of Tongjiang to Sanya State trunk road as well as main artery in Liaoning Province , opened to traffic in September 1st , 1990 . Traffic volume grows faster during the last 10 years .