
  • 网络Giddens Ko
  1. 精心挑选的演员班底再加上轻松愉快的节奏,导演九把刀成功使整部影片显得活力十足,在他的镜头下,青春期的冲动具备一种日式漫画般的幽默力量。

    With a well-selected cast and a brisk pace , Giddens Ko 's effort manages to keep up a high level of energy throughout the film and he captures adolescent urges with a fun , manga-esque punch .

  2. 这部改编自九把刀自传式爱情小说《那些年,我们一起追的女孩》的电影一定会成为那些青春小品爱好者的青睐。

    Based on Ko 's real-life romance novel The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years ( same as the film 's Chinese title ) , the film is guaranteed to be loved by those who have an appetite for a bit of juvenile fun .