
  • 网络georgian;Georgian era
  1. 破旧的松木地板歪歪斜斜地铺到一个乔治王时代风格的窗户跟前。

    Battered pine floors slanted down to a Georgian window .

  2. 噢,对了,两层乔治王时代风格的房子

    Oh , right . The twostory Georgian .

  3. 虽然现在已禁止在此骑骆驼和骑马游览,嘈杂的人群和小贩还是让人无法看清其结构。小格林街小格林街位于伦敦市中心,是英国乔治王时代极少数幸存的街道之一。

    Located in the center of London , Little Green Street , is one of only a few surviving streets from Georgian England .

  4. 红砖的教区宅邸,透着乔治王时代的艺术风格,副主教罗勒?梅耶是一个迷人而成熟的男人,附近还有玫瑰花床和网球场,沃德家那套严明的纪律也一去不复返了。

    It was the Georgian red-brick rectory at Watton-at-Stone , seat of the old Archdeacon Rollo Meyer , a charming and mellow man whose environment was that of the rose-bed and the tennis court , rather than the well-scrubbed , brisk discipline of the Wards .