
yuè pǔ
  • music;music score
乐谱 [yuè pǔ]
  • [music score;music] 歌谱或器乐演奏用的谱子

乐谱[yuè pǔ]
  1. 乐谱版本问题的初步研究

    An Original Study on the Matter of Version of Music Score

  2. 她抓起乐谱撕成碎片。

    She grabbed the music score and tore it to shreds .

  3. 这个乐谱是为小提琴、中提琴和大提琴演奏而编的。

    The piece is scored for violin , viola and cello .

  4. 乐谱仍摊开在钢琴上。

    The music was still open on the piano .

  5. 他认得足够多的乐符,看懂乐谱不成问题。

    He recognizes enough notation to be able to follow a score .

  6. 她一页一页地翻看我带给她的乐谱。

    She read through pages and pages of the music I had brought her

  7. 你识乐谱?

    Can you read music ?

  8. 托斯卡尼尼非常崇敬博拉姆斯,但他的C小调交响曲的乐谱上画满了标记,以致只有大师本人才能看懂。

    Arturo Toscanini revered Brahms , but Toscanini 's score of the C-minor Symphony was so thoroughly marked up that no one but the maestro himself could read it .

  9. CALIS乐谱文献著录研究

    Research on the Printed Music Document Description of CALIS

  10. 基于WAV文件的独奏乐曲信号中的乐谱识别

    Musical score recognition of solo music signal based on WAV file

  11. 例如,如果你给小孩子教音乐,你可能会记住:“everygoodboydeservesfruit”——每一个字母都是一个乐谱——EGBDF。

    For example , if you learned music as a child , you probably remember the phrase : " every good boy deserves fruit " - each word stands for a note on the musical staff - EGBDF .

  12. 基于OMR技术的乐谱图像匹配算法

    Music Image Matching Algorithm Based on OMR Technique

  13. 迷笛乐谱是一个免费程序,播放MIDI音乐文件,同时特别强调说明和钢琴乐谱笔记。

    Midi Sheet Music is a free program that plays MIDI music files while highlighting the piano notes and sheet music notes .

  14. 与音乐分析与检索相关的研究大部分都是基于结构化信息如音乐标签、MIDI格式、乐谱等,针对实际音乐内容的分析与检索的研究是最近三四年才出现的。

    Most of the Music analysis and Music Information Retrieval ( MIR ) researches are based on structural information such as label , MIDI , or music notes etc.

  15. Stravinsky在创作RiteofSpring时将整篇乐谱放在公寓的墙上,以便可以从总体上观看作品。

    Stravinsky , when he wrote the Rite of Spring , put the entire score up on the walls of his apartment so he could look at the piece as a whole .

  16. 在jMusic中乐谱的结构是优雅而直观的。

    Construction of a musical score in jMusic is elegant and intuitive .

  17. Monk使用jMusic框架表示得到的音乐,因为jMusic乐谱可以保存为MIDI文件并播放。

    Monk uses the jMusic framework to represent the resulting music as jMusic scores you can save and play as MIDI files .

  18. 他原本的意图是教活页乐谱,通过在屏幕上显示滚动的音符和等待你在MIDI设备上弹奏这些正确的音符。

    His intention was originally to teach sheet music , by showing scrolling musical notes on screen and waiting for you to play those exact notes on your MIDI device .

  19. 中国高等教育文献保障系统(简称CALIS),在其著录规则中特别设立了中文、西文乐谱著录章节。

    China Academic Library and Information System ( CALIS ) as a union cataloging institution for the academic libraries , plays an important role in printed music document description .

  20. 他年轻时有过很多位严师,其中一位便是埃德加·瓦雷兹(EdgardVarèse),这位喜怒无常的法国现代主义作曲家和电子音乐教父发火时曾把周的乐谱扔在地上,让他自己往上面小便。

    One was Edgard Var è se , the temperamental French-born Modernist and godfather of electronic music , who once showed his displeasure by throwing a score of Mr. Chou 's on the floor and ordering him to urinate on it .

  21. 更进一步,当人更熟悉乐谱时,即使他可能不会想到是否在使用乐谱,也变得可能使用CRN创作出节奏。

    Moreover , as one becomes familiar with the notation , it also becomes possible to create rhythms that one would probably not even think of if using CRN .

  22. 不过Mila和Oa正在学会用每日重铸的方式来保持场的音乐,甚至改变乐谱播放顺序来检测有谁进入了他们的场来控制自己。

    However Mila and Oa are learning to retain their sound by recasting their music daily , and even altering the sequence of score playing to detect that which has entered their field to manipulate them .

  23. 建立在嵌入式系统平台上的电子乐谱阅读器可以代替传统纸质乐谱和谱架的组合成为乐谱阅读的理想方式,因此在嵌入式系统上阅读MIDI等文件格式的数字乐谱具有重要的意义。

    The electronic sheet music reader based on embedded platform would give people a better way to read sheet music rather than traditional paper-based sheet and music stand , and reading MIDI format digital music is of great significance .

  24. 利用这一系统,对50个数字乐谱图像样本进行了音乐信息的识别与转化,结果表明,此OMR原型系统的识别率在94%以上。

    Meanwhile , the prototype is used to recognize and process music information from 50 samples of digital music image . The result is that the recognition rate of our OMR system is more than 94 % .

  25. 这些早期特创乐谱中最著名的便是为D.W.格雷夫斯1915年上映的影片《一个国家的诞生》所创作的音乐。

    The most famous of these early special scores was that composed and arranged for D.W Griffith 's film Birth of a Nation , which was released in 1915 .

  26. 乐谱阅读过程的眼动研究

    A review of the eye movement studies in sight-reading of music

  27. 卡诺:期望能再下载到更多的乐谱,且陪有音乐。

    Carno : hope to download more scores with obbligato music .

  28. 看乐谱演奏一下那首曲子。

    Look at the score and try to play that song .

  29. 彼得能不看乐谱弹奏最难的钢琴曲。

    Peter can play the most difficult piano music by ear .

  30. 他们当中没有一个人能识乐谱。

    Not one of them could read a note of music .