
  1. 《乐府传声》的歌唱发声理论

    On Singing Theory in the Book " Music of Ballads "

  2. 试论《乐府传声》对当代民族声乐演唱的借鉴意义

    The Effect of " YUE FU CHUAN SHENG " on the Contemporary National Vocal Singing

  3. 由清代声乐理论家徐大椿所著的《乐府传声》一书是我国古代声乐领域中非常有影响的一部论著。

    Content : " YUE FU CHUAN SHENG ", written by Xu Dachun , a theorist on vocal music of Ting Dynasty , is antique book with the most influence on Vocal music .

  4. 本文认为,《乐府传声》在唱字技巧、演唱中的二度创造以及发声等方面的论述对于当代民族声乐演唱均具有重要启示。

    In this paper , I think " YUE FU CHUAN SHENG " can greatly enlighten the contemporary national vocal singing on aspects of techniques of singing , further creation on singing and sound production .