
wū liàng
  • glossy black;jet-black
乌亮 [wū liàng]
  • [glossy black] 黑而发亮

  • 头发乌亮

乌亮[wū liàng]
  1. 她迷人的脸上垂落着乌亮的黑发。

    Her charming face was framed with raven hair .

  2. 四小姐很镇定地说,她那乌亮的眼睛里忽然满是刚强的调子。

    Huei-fang 's voice was steady , and her eyes were suddenly bright with determination .

  3. 她的头发顺滑乌亮,盘在颈后,

    Her hair was fine , sleek and black and always put up in a knot in the neck .

  4. 运动员赤身裸体,由于涂抹了橄榄油,又经阳光曝晒,皮肤黧黑乌亮,犹如青铜雕像一般。

    Their naked bodies , rubbed with olive oil and burned by the sun , are as richly dark as bronze statues .

  5. 我仰头望天。蔚蓝色的天幕上隐约地现出淡墨色的龙影,一身鳞甲还是乌亮乌亮的。

    Looking up at the sky , I caught a glimpse of the blackish dragon silhouetted dimly against the azure sky , his scales and shell being as jet-black as ever .

  6. 它基本上是由珠光岩构成的。当珠光岩受热时,形成轻的,松散的类似浮石一样的物质。刘玉英笑定了轻声说,她那乌亮的眼珠满是诱惑的闪光。

    It is essentially composed of perlite rock which is heated to form a light , fluffy material similar to pumice . she said softly . She made an apparent effort to stop giggling , and her dark eyes gleamed seductively .