
zhǔ liú wén huà
  • mainstream culture
  1. 教育的任务是传递主流文化;

    One of the educational missions is to deliver mainstream culture ;

  2. 当代中国的主流文化、精英文化与大众文化

    Mainstream Culture , Elite Culture and Mass Culture in Modern China

  3. 要倡导环保意识、生态意识,构建全社会共同参与的环境治理体系,让生态环保思想成为社会生活中的主流文化。

    We need to raise people 's awareness , develop a conservation system in which everyone plays a part , and mainstream ecological conservation into every aspect of social life .

  4. CUBA在校园非主流文化中的特殊作用

    The Special effect of CUBA in Non-mainstream Culture of Campus

  5. 相反,东方文化相对于美国主流文化对谈话的数量和频率不太重视(Kim,1999年)。

    In contrast , Eastern cultures do not place as high a premium on the amount and frequency of talk as does the mainstream U.

  6. 亚文化与主流文化的互动与转化&论奥林匹克文化在中国的嬗变

    CULTURE The Relate and Conversion between Subsidiary Culture and Mainstream Culture

  7. 中西主流文化差异辨析与比较

    Analysis and Comparison of Essential Differences between Chinese and Western Cultures

  8. 运动具有反主流文化等特质。

    The movement has the characteristic of challenging the mainstream culture .

  9. 现代大学精神与社会主流文化建设

    The Spirit of the Modern University and the Fostering of Mainstream Culture

  10. 对于主流文化所排斥的种种边缘文化和亚文化,文化研究也表现了特殊的兴趣。

    Cultural studies show great interest in marginal and sub-cultures .

  11. 它已所向披靡地涌入了美国主流文化。

    It has spilled irrevocably into the mainstream of America .

  12. 论当代东南亚华人文化与当地主流文化的双向互动

    Interaction between Chinese Culture and Local Culture in Southeast Asia

  13. 深化对信息社会主流文化的研究&信息文化与信息文化学初探

    Deepening the Study of Mainstream Culture in the Information Age

  14. 如何接纳主流文化?

    How much do you accommodate the dominant culture ?

  15. 中国近现代主流文化的历史变迁

    The Changes of Mainstream Culture in Chinese Modern History

  16. 全国美展是主流文化形态之一。

    The National Art Exhibition , is one form of the mainstream culture .

  17. 从山寨文化反思我国的主流文化建设

    To Reflect the Building of the Mainstream Culture in China from Copycatting Culture

  18. 它如同《全球概览》一般,融合了反主流文化与科技。

    and it encapsulated the Whole Earth fusion between the counterculture and technology .

  19. 群居公社是反主流文化的社会模式。

    Communes were the social model in counterculture movement .

  20. 潮人抗拒物质主义,嘲笑主流文化。

    Hipsters reject materialism and mock mainstream culture .

  21. 什叶派成为国教,说明什叶派教义成为伊朗传统的主流文化。

    Shiism as a state religion means to be predominant culture of Iranian tradition .

  22. 宗教只是民俗活动,从未成为社会主流文化。

    Religion was just a folk activity , not the mainstream culture in society .

  23. 电视传播与主流文化的互动

    The Interaction Between TV Broadcasting and Main-steam Culture

  24. 对美国主流文化的挑战

    Challenges to the main stream of American culture

  25. 图书馆要在高校非主流文化中发挥作用

    Library must play a positive role in the non-mainstream culture in Colleges and Universities

  26. 非主流文化在广告设计中的渗入

    Infiltration of Non-main Culture in the Advertising Design

  27. 身份的困惑来源于犹太传统文化和美国主流文化的碰撞。

    Status bewilderment resulted from the collision between Jewish traditional culture and American culture .

  28. 艺术传播和主流文化

    On the Dissemination of Art and Mainstream Culture

  29. 似乎这也冲淡了反主流文化。

    This has seemingly diluted the anti-mainstream culture .

  30. 一种边缘文化相对于主流文化应运而生,从社会的主流游离到社会的边缘。

    One kind of marginal culture was born from dominant society to marginal society .