
  • 网络Main model;master model;primary model
  1. 建立PDM主模型的ASP技术及XML语言

    The application of ASP and XML to building master model of PDM

  2. 基于CAE技术的汽车主模型设计方案评价

    Evaluation of an automobile master model design based on CAE technology

  3. 应用CAM技术制造汽车主模型,生产周期短、模型精度高。

    Using CAM technique in making automobile master model will shorten the production period and increase the precision of model .

  4. 论述了基于STEP的产品主模型结构以及产品开发过程模型、应用模型的建模方法、建模过程。

    It is introduced in detail that Product master model based on STEP and the modeling method of the product developing process model and the applied models .

  5. 是CAM行业基于数字化主模型的流行软件,但并不简单易用。

    I-DEAS is a popular software based on the digitized master model in CAM profession . However , it is not simple to use .

  6. 概述了PDM文档管理中产品信息编码,文档组织形式,主模型与辅助模型的应用研究。

    In PDM document management , the article describes product information coding , document structure mode and application research for main-model and hypomodel .

  7. 主模型设计方法在NX软件中的应用

    The Application of the master model design method in the NX software

  8. 现代CAD中,系统在满足图样标准化的同时难以保证图样和设计信息的相关性,为此,文中提出了信息主模型的概念。

    In modern CAD system , it is difficult to satisfy the standard requirements of drawing and at the same time to keep relativity between the information of the design and the drawing .

  9. 首先,对主模型零件进行工艺分析,提取主模型零件的加工特征的几何数据,并结合加工特征的加工工艺数据,构造主模型零件的NC编程主模板。

    Firstly , the process-planning process of master part model is analyzed to determine the machining features of machined part . Then , the geometrical data of machining features are elicited from master part model .

  10. 本文把呼吸量估计知识组合到多变量主模型中,提出了一种新的污水生化处理过程(WWTP)在线监视策略。

    Incorporating prior knowledge of respirometry estimation into multivariable principal analysis , a wastewater treatment process monitoring strategy is suggested .

  11. 提出并分别定义了面向协同装配的应用主模型和可视化从模型的概念,在Web环境下实现了基于应用主模型的装配干涉检查和产品多个装配序列动态组合的协同装配过程。

    The concepts of application master model and visualization slave model oriented to collaborative assembly were put forward and defined . In Web environment , assembly collision check and collaborative assembly process of dynamic combination of multi-assembly sequences were realized on the basis of application master model .

  12. 利用UG变数化技术建立客车主模型,可以缩短开发周期、降低开发成本、提高设计质量。

    When creating bus body main model making use of UG s geometric parametric technical , we can shorten the development period , reduce the cost and improve the quality of design .

  13. 总结了应用CAM技术制造汽车主模型过程中所解决的技术问题,如模型材料、数控编程、数控铣功能开发、数控测定等。

    This paper summaries the various technical problems encountered in making the master model by using C A M technique including model materials , digit control programming , development of digit controlled milling machine performance and the measurement by digit control ect .

  14. 本文给出了主模型的概念,分析了主模型设计方法,探讨了主模型设计在NX开发环境中的应用。

    From the concept of the master model , this paper analyse the master model design method and discusses master model design application in the NX software .

  15. LANDMARK公司的Desk-TopVIP数值模拟软件带有一个垂直管流计算的模块,它不能分离出来使用,只能与主模型联合使用。

    Desk-Top VIP of numeral simulation software developed by Landmark Co. has a module for the vertical conduit flow calculating , which can 't be used separately and can be used only with the host model .

  16. 首先建立主模型进行预测,得到残差序列,然后对残差序列建模,对主模型进行修正,得到修正的GM(1,1)模型。

    First we make a main model to forecast , and gain a remaining sequence . Then we establish another model on the basis of remaining sequence to amend the main model , so that we gain the amended remaining model of GM ( 1,1 ) .

  17. 研究应用灰色系统理论,结合矿震极值数据,建立GM(1,1)预测模型,在此基础上进一步应用残差修正主模型,由构造出的新模型推测出未来的矿震极值。

    This paper attempts to apply grey system theory to establishing GM ( 1,1 ) of grey prediction model , and apply further residual to revising main model , then constructs a new prediction model which is used to predict the extreme data of mine tremor further .

  18. 提出了煤矿工作面上UHF无线电波传播的模型,即超大尺寸、周期加载的非理想波导模型,由此导出了传播常数的模式方程,得到了主模型的传播常数。

    An oversized imperfect periodically loaded waveguide mode in proposed to study the propagation of UHF radio wave in a long wall face of a coal mine . The equation constant the propagation constants is derived , the solution for the propagation of the dominant mode is obtained .

  19. 研究了基于特征的、面向协同工作的产品主模型,提出了模具企业扩展主模型(ext-PMM)的概念,并建立了模具扩展主模型的总体框架。

    Feature-based , collaborative work oriented Product Master Model is studied , then the concept of Extended Product Master Model ( ext-PMM ) of mould enterprise is presented and the overall framework of the ext-PMM is built .

  20. 面向飞行器多学科设计优化的主模型技术

    The Master Model Technology for Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Flight Vehicle

  21. 面向汽车匹配主模型检具的大型薄壁件制造工艺

    Manufacturing process of large scale thin walled part for automotive main model

  22. 工艺主模型驱动的同构零件工装快速设计方法

    A Rapid Fixture Design Method for Parts with Similar Structure

  23. 微型轿车车身木质主模型的工艺设计与制造

    Technological plan and Manufacture of Wooden Master Model of Mini Car Body

  24. 传递函数阵主模型和子模型参数估计方法

    Parameter Estimation Algorithms of the Main Models and Submodels for Transfer Function Matrices

  25. 提出以产品结构模型为主,通过虚化产品节点功能模型的方法来构建产品主模型。

    The PMM is modeled on product structure models and product function models .

  26. 介绍了汽车主模型检具的特点、分类和应用。

    Characteristics , classification and application of automobile master model check-ing fixture were introduced .

  27. 这种方法将会在委托此结构合并会话之上修改这个主模型。

    This approach will modify the master model upon committing the structural merge session .

  28. 基于主模型的减速器产品的建模及运动仿真

    Research of the modeling and motion simulation of reducer based on master model technology

  29. 主模型的研制和应用已日益显示出举足轻重的地位。

    Research and application of such master models are prevailing in the industry now .

  30. 基于信息主模型的飞机工装二维制图技术研究与应用

    Research and Application on Technology of Aerocraft Tools Drawings Based on Information Master Model