
  1. Quora最近宣布将把网站话题划分为美食、娱乐、政治和社会科学等话题组。

    The company released a breakdown of site topics , with food and entertainment and politics and Social Sciences coming in second and third , respectively .

  2. 焦糖婆罗门参和熏羽衣甘蓝更为美食者们准备。

    Caramelized salsify and smoked collard greens for the more epicurious .

  3. 即使在平时,北京也被视为美食之都。

    Even during ordinary times , eating in Beijing could be considered a culinary steeplechase .

  4. 而非物质这个词,有时候就可以解读为美食及其工艺这类的东西。

    The intangibility , in turn , sometimes translates into something as tangible as food and its preparation .

  5. 热情勇敢的射手座不但会为美食折服,而且更会为能在充满异域风情的饭店里就餐而兴奋不已。

    Adventurous and enthusiastic , Sagittarius will satisfy their appetite not only for food but also for excitement by dining on foreign cuisine .

  6. 通过举办这次活动,将为美食展商和广大市民群众提供一个美食品尝、展销、宣传推广和交流学习的平台。

    Through this event , will cuisine exhibitors and the general public to provide a gourmet taste of the masses , sales promotion , publicity and promotion and the exchange of learning platform .

  7. 香港约拥有9000家餐馆,长期以来一直以身为美食天堂而感到自豪。随着大量赌场的开业,澳门也提升了自己的服务。

    Hong Kong , which has about 9,000 restaurants , has long prided itself as a gourmet centre , while Macao has improved its offerings with the opening of a number of casinos .

  8. 该公司表示,内部客户满意度调查显示,食物的分数有所提高,并且该公司仍在继续推进其称之为高空美食(HeightCuisine)的项目。

    Internal customer-satisfaction surveys score food higher , the airline says , and it is continuing what it calls its ' Height Cuisine ' effort .

  9. 出生于成都的美籍华人、在中国西南地区为荷花美食游(LotusCulinaryTravel)担任导游的左子英(音)表示,比起饭店的版本,家常麻婆豆腐通常不会那么油腻,用料也要简单一些。

    According to Chinese-American Zuo Ziying , who was born in Chengdu and who conducts tours in southwest China for Lotus Culinary Travel , jiachang or home-style versions of mapo dofu are usually less oily and more simple than those cooked in restaurant kitchens .

  10. 他说,每个人都有关于好餐厅的不同看法。他指出,Yardbird和Sarong等寻常餐厅与那些被誉为“美食殿”的餐厅一道上榜。

    Everyone 's idea of what makes a great restaurant is different , ' he said , noting that casual restaurants like Yardbird and Sarong are listed alongside ' gilded temples of gastronomy . '

  11. 每年他们还赞助当地一个名为“美食周”的活动。

    Each year they also sponsor a local event called Restaurant Week .

  12. 2007年2月,王刚董事长被选为北京美食联盟第一届轮值主席;

    In Feb.2007 , President Wang Gang was chosen chairman on duty by FOODUN .

  13. 旅行为热爱美食的人提供了一个品尝不同文化美食和饮料的好机会。

    Travel provides a good chance for food lovers to try dishes cooked in different cultures .

  14. 当我年少之时,我诚为华服美食而对父母心存感恩。只需留意这天堂里娇艳的花朵和鲜美的果实。

    When I was young , I thanked my parents for the beautiful clothes and delicious food , just paying attention to the grace of flowers and the yummy of fruits in this paradise .

  15. 第五部分案例分析,通过对成都美食节的实地调研,探讨成都美食节的符号意义,构建美食节的符号体系,为成都美食节提出具体的营销对策。

    Chapter V is the case analysis , through field research in Chengdu Gourmet Festival , studying the symbolic value of Gourmet Festival and building the symbol system of Gourmet Festival . It has provided Gourmet Festival with specific recommendations for marketing strategies .

  16. 成都在2010年联合国教科文组织列为“美食城市”,这是亚洲第一个获此殊荣的地方,成都以其麻辣火锅和辛辣菜肴而闻名。四川菜的特点就是用很多川椒,咸辣酸甜、口味多样。

    Crowned as Asia 's first UNESCO City of Gastronomy in 2010 , Chengdu is best-known for its fiery hot pot and spicy dishes , which are characterized by the use of Sichuan pepper and are usually layered with salty , sour and sweet flavors .

  17. 勃艮第大区一向被视为重要的美食中心。

    Burgundy has always been considered a major centre of gastronomy .

  18. F1围场俱乐部(PaddockClub)是一个耀眼的娱乐旅行组织,为客户提供美食盛宴、赛道游览和香槟自助餐,平均每人每天花费3000美元。

    F1 's Paddock Club , a glitzy travelling circus of entertainment that provides clients with gourmet banquets , track tours and champagne buffets , costs an average $ 3,000 per person per day .

  19. 发照片者为CNNEatocracy美食博客总编辑凯特•金斯曼(KatKinsman),点击“发送”键时,正与一伙高级美食家就坐一桌,参加给托马斯•凯勒(ThomasKeller)捧场的晚宴。

    The tweeter , Kat Kinsman , is managing editor of CNN Eatocracy and she was sharing a table with a group of other high-powered foodists at a dinner honouring Thomas Keller at the time she hit " send . "

  20. 如美国,中国已经超过日本,因此更大规模地更为广泛多样美食。

    Like the us , China has more land mass than Japan and therefore a more widely varied cuisine .

  21. 当我在家时,我喜欢欣赏曼妙的音乐和为家人烹制美食。

    When I was at home , I like to enjoy the marvelous music and cooking food for my families .

  22. 无需多言,直接从这份名单中被称为“街头美食天堂”的印度开始吧。

    Without further ado , let 's get to the list , starting with the street food paradise called India .

  23. 而第一所特色餐厅,为集东南亚美食于一身的蕉叶咖哩屋,座落杭州市湖滨路5号。

    Its first characterized restaurant is the Banana Leaf Curry House , located on Hu Bing Pedestrian Street , Hang Zhou .

  24. 失去了的爱依然是爱,只是它以一个不同的形式出现而已,你不能再看见他们的音容笑貌,不能再为他们准备美食,或者不能再抚摸他们的头发,不能再与他们共舞。

    Lost love is still love , It takes a different form , You cant see their smile or bring them food or tousle their hair or move them around a dance floor .

  25. 如果正值春季,火车站里那些卖盒饭的小摊就会提供以樱花为主题的美食——将粉色糯米团做成的糕饼都切成樱花的形状——让旅客在火车上享用。

    If it 's spring , the bento stalls in the station sell cherry blossom-themed meals to eat on the train : pink cakes made of mochi rice paste are cut into flower shapes .

  26. 迪尔里说,目前自己并没有为适应中国美食研发特别调味酒的打算。中餐不是很符合传统上红酒配牛肉这样的搭配原则。

    He said he has no plans to develop special blends to suit China 's flavorful food , which doesn 't adhere well to the traditional pairings dictating , for example , that red wine goes with beef .

  27. 为一大桌子美食拍照是已经成了无法预料的病毒性社交媒体趋势。

    Snapping photos of meals is one of the less expected viral social media trends .

  28. 这个系统不仅可以方便灵活的为顾客提供特色美食,也可以顾客的提供餐饮知识。

    The system is not only can provide delicious specialty food , but also can provide diet knowledge .

  29. 他们都喜欢这家餐厅的位置和它以木材为燃料制作的美食,是他们祖国的一种传统制作方式。

    Both liked the restaurant 's location and its wood-fired cuisine , a traditional preparation in their native country .

  30. 公司服务满20年的员工还能额外多享受2天的假期,以及公司为假日提供的美食、饮料和度假活动。

    Employees with 20 or more years of service receive two extra days with meals , drinks and resort activities included .