
  • 网络Near space;near-space
  1. 基于TDMA的临近空间通信网MAC层协议仿真

    Simulation of MAC Protocol in TDMA-based Near Space Communication Network

  2. 基于OPNET的临近空间通信网仿真研究

    Simulation Research of Near Space Communication Network Based on OPNET

  3. 主要工作和成果如下:1.提出了基于临近空间的SAR系统平台。

    The platform of SAR system based on Near-Space has been given .

  4. 详细研究了临近空间SAR斜视模式的运动误差。

    Detailed studies has been made focus on forward-squint SAR motion error in Near-Space .

  5. 文中提出了一种用于支持混合业务的临近空间通信网络MAC协议。

    This paper proposes a novel MAC protocol for the mixed services in the near-space communication network .

  6. 基于拦截器的EJB热部署技术研究临近空间飞行器弹道跟踪与拦截仿真

    EJB Hot-Deployment Base on Interceptor Technology ; Research on Trajectory Tracking and Interception Simulation of Near Spacecraft

  7. 重点针对临近空间SAR的斜视模式进行了详细的研究,指出在斜视角下合成孔径长度须考虑其精确表达式。

    Detailed studies has been made focus on squint SAR imaging in Near-Space , pointing out that exact expression of synthetic aperture length should be considered under forward-squint mode .

  8. 最后给出圆迹SAR的地面实验方案,阐述了临近空间、星载平台应用的可行性。

    In the end , the experiment schemes for testing the performances of Circular SAR are presented and the applications on near space platform and space platform are discussed .

  9. 随后,针对临近空间网络面临的安全威胁,结合扩展后的SCPS-NP协议重点研究了一种适合临近空间网络的成簇算法,并在此基础上提出了一种改进的基于簇的入侵检测策略。

    Subsequently , combined with expanded SCPS-NP protocol , the thesis presented a suitable clusters algorithm in the near space network , and based on this , presented an improved intrusion detection strategy based on cluster .

  10. 然后,重点对临近空间网络SCPS-NP协议进行了分析研究,并结合临近空间网络特点,对SCPS-NP协议进行了安全性扩展。

    Then , aims at the threats of near space network , the emphasis of impending space network SCPS-NP protocol is analyzed , and combining with the network characteristics which expand the near space SCPS-NP protocol security .

  11. 一种负升力超高声速临近空间突击飞行概念

    Supersonic Velocity Onslaught Flight Concept with Subtractive Lift in Near Space

  12. 各个国家都加紧了对临近空间的研究。

    Study on near space has been enhanced by many countries .

  13. 临近空间飞行器武器装备建设发展思考

    Development Thought for Weapon Equipment Construction Based on Near Space Aerocrafts

  14. 临近空间浮升一体化飞行器气动布局研究

    Study of Aerodynamic Configuration Design for Buoyancy-lifting Vehicle in Near-space

  15. 基于临近空间飞艇定位的伪卫星布局研究

    Study on Pseudolite Configuration Scheme Based on Near Space Airships

  16. 高速临近空间飞行器跳跃飞行轨迹优化研究

    Optimization of Leap Trajectory of the Near Space Vehicles with Hypersonic Speed

  17. 基于自适应采样滤波器的临近空间飞行器姿态确定

    Attitude Determination Method for Near Space Vehicle Based on Adaptive Sampling Filters

  18. 一种临近空间浮空器热控系统的研究

    Study on Thermal Control System of a Near Space Vehicle

  19. 临近空间成像资源配置专家决策系统研究

    Study on expert decision system for imaging resources deployment of near space

  20. 临近空间飞行器弹道跟踪与拦截仿真

    Research on Trajectory Tracking and Interception Simulation of Near Spacecraft

  21. 利用浮空器提高临近空间的探测预警能力

    Using aerostat to increase ability of detecting and warning in near space

  22. 临近空间飞行器应用前景及发展分析

    An Analysis on Application Prospects and Development of Near-Space Vehicles

  23. 我们分析临近空间超高声速飞行器的电磁散射特性。

    We first analyze the near space HYPERSONIC aircraft electromagnetic scattering characteristics .

  24. 美军临近空间平台的开发利用及对我军的启示

    Exploitation of American Military Near Space Platform and Its Inspiration to Our

  25. 临近空间增强定位系统的设计与分析

    Design and Analysis of the Augmentation Positioning System in Near-space

  26. 临近空间无人飞行器再入轨迹快速优化及跟踪

    Onboard Entry Trajectory Optimization and Tracking for Near Space UAV

  27. 临近空间平台辅助的超低空目标无源跟踪算法

    Near-space platform aided passive tracking algorithm for super-low-altitude targets

  28. 临近空间是指高度为20~100km的空间区域。

    Near space refers to the space with a height of20 ~ 100km .

  29. 临近空间大倾角遥感图像几何校正方法研究

    Researches on Geometric Correction of Near Space Large Inclined Angle Remote Sensing Images

  30. 临近空间双基雷达探测隐身目标性能研究

    Study on the Capability of Near Space Bistatic Radar in Detecting Stealth Targets