
  1. 你能画出一份与这幅画一模一样的临摹画吗?

    Can you make an exact copy of this picture ?

  2. 除了书籍,还有一只文件夹,里面收藏的是古代硬币和古钞的临摹画和照片。

    Along with the books , a portfolio contained sketches and photographs of ancient coins and banknotes .

  3. 他临摹的画足以乱真。

    The copy he made of the painting can pass for authentic .

  4. 在50岁之前,他下苦功夫,临摹古代山水画大师的作品,打下了深厚的传统功力。

    Before the age of 50 , he had copied the works of many famous ancient Chinese landscape painters , which laid his solid traditional Chinese painting foundation .

  5. 当今社会对于创造力的要求越来越高,但在美术教学中,大多仍以临摹和教画为主,并不能真正激发儿童的创造力。

    The creativity of today 's society is becoming more demanding , but in the art of teaching tracing is still main course , so the children can not be inspired creativity really .

  6. 两宋花鸟册页的赏析与临摹两宋花鸟画繁荣之动因

    The motives prosperity of painting of flowers and birds in Northern and Southern Song Dynasties

  7. 像大多数临摹者一样,她也把原画家的签名临摹到画上。

    She copies the true artist 's signature as part of a painting , as do most copyists .