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  1. 周三,立法者对丰田汽车总裁丰田章男(AkioToyoda)进行了提问。丰田章男自6月份以来一直担任丰田公司总裁。

    On Wednesday lawmakers questioned Akio Toyoda , the head of the company since June .

  2. 就在这个真空期期间,一位意想不到的人选进入了人们的视野,而其就任的公司也让人始料未及:他就是来自于丰田(Toyoda)的首席执行官丰田章男。

    Into this vacuum steps an unlikely candidate from an unlikely company : Akio Toyoda from Toyota ( TM ) .

  3. 事发前一年,丰田章男已连续第三次参加每年一度在德国尼尔堡(Nurburg)大奖赛(GrandPrix)赛道上举办的24小时耐力赛。

    That was one year after Mr. Toyoda drove for the third year in a row in an annual 24-hour race on a Grand Prix track in Nurburg , Germany .

  4. 去年夏天,丰田章男身穿赛车服,出现在新凯美瑞(Camry)汽车的视频广告中。

    Last summer , Toyoda appeared in video advertising for the new Camry , dressed in a racing suit .

  5. 丰田章男说,他的驾驶技术是二十世纪八十年代在曼哈顿开一辆二手保时捷(Porsche)时培养起来的。

    Mr. Toyoda says he honed his driving skills in the 1980s driving a used Porsche in Manhattan , where he was working as an investment banker .

  6. 视频开头出现的是丰田公司总裁丰田章男(AkioToyoda),他戴着眼镜,身着深灰色西装和领带,向摄影机挥手。

    The video opens showing a bespectacled Akio Toyoda in a charcoal suit and tie , waving to the cameras .

  7. 其他方面,丰田章男可能会摒弃那些技术复杂的车内小革新,例如为新款普瑞斯(Prius)设计的太阳能冷却系统。

    Among other things , there 's a move away from technologically sophisticated in-car gizmos like a solar-powered cooling system designed for the new Prius .

  8. 丰田章男更频繁地前往美国,以激励经销商,并亲自解决雷克萨斯(Lexus)品牌业绩低迷的问题。

    The Toyoda scion was traveling to the U.S. more frequently to fire up dealers and had taken charge personally of the sagging Lexus brand .

  9. 但在美国拿到MBA学位的丰田章男从未接受过用流利的英语进行道歉的训练,这一点在很大程度上说明了为何丰田公司对召回危机的反应有失水准。

    But the fact that Mr Toyoda , who earned an MBA in the US , had not been drilled in a word-perfect English apology says much about Toyota 's sub-quality response to its recall crisis .

  10. 丰田章男对一个失去了4名成员的家庭表达了慰问之情。去年,由于油门踏板被卡住,他们的雷克萨斯(Lexus)汽车在圣地亚哥附近发生了车祸。

    Mr Toyoda expressed sympathy to a family that lost four members when their Lexus crashed near San Diego last year with a jammed accelerator pedal .

  11. 2020年东京奥运会的筹备工作昨日遭遇更大的麻烦,丰田(Toyota)社长丰田章男(AkioToyoda,见上图)突然从东京奥运会组委会辞职。

    Preparations for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics sank deeper into trouble yesterday when the president of Toyota abruptly stepped down from the games " main organising committee .

  12. 随后画面突然切换,丰田章男换上一身红黑相间的连体赛车服,戴上头盔,在拉斯维加斯赛车场(LasVegasMotorSpeedway)驾驶一辆迷幻色彩的凯美瑞(Camry)轿车奔驰。

    Then suddenly , he is in a red and black racing jump suit , helmet on , climbing behind the wheel of a psychedelic Camry sedan at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway .

  13. 自己祖父创建的丰田汽车公司(ToyotaMotor),丰田章男(AkioToyoda)这位公司即将上任的总裁有着冷静的认识:丰田汽车太过自负了。

    Toyota Motor Corp. 's incoming president , Akio Toyoda , has a sobering message for the giant company founded by his grandfather : It has gotten too fancy for its own good .

  14. 丰田总裁丰田章男(AkioToyoda)接受国会听证会审问,期间多次表示道歉。

    Toyota 's president , Akio Toyoda , in front of a congressional hearing . He said he was sorry , a few times .

  15. 预计松下(Panasonic)社长津贺一宏(KazuhiroTsuga)将接任丰田章男在东京奥组委的职务。

    Mr Toyoda is expected to be replaced on the Olympics organising committee by Kazuhiro Tsuga , the president of Panasonic .

  16. 该公司首席执行官丰田章男(akiotoyoda)将于周三到场作证,这场危机可能危及丰田的声誉和业务。

    Akio Toyoda , company chief executive , is due to testify on Wednesday as Toyota battles a crisis that threatens its reputation and business .

  17. 它的新任总裁是现年53岁的丰田章男(AkioToyoda)先生,也是公司创立者的孙子。

    Now its newly installed boss , Akio Toyoda , the53-year-old grandson of the founder , says that the firm could be locked in a spiral of decline .

  18. 丰田章男说,他的驾驶技术是二十世纪八十年代在曼哈顿开一辆二手保时捷(Porsche)时培养起来的。当年他在曼哈顿一家投资银行工作,因为自己的一辆丰田Celica跑车被盗,于是买下了保时捷。

    Mr. Toyoda says he honed his driving skills in the 1980s driving a used Porsche in Manhattan , where he was working as an investment banker . He bought it after someone stole his Toyota Celica .

  19. 近60年过去了,丰田汽车希望以相反的策略应对另一场危机&任命丰田章男(AkioToyoda)为首席执行官,这是自上世纪90年代中期以来首位来自创始人家族的首席执行官。

    Almost 60 years later , Toyota is hoping the reverse strategy will work in another crisis , appointing Akio Toyoda to be its first founding-family chief executive since the mid-1990s .

  20. 丰田(Toyota)首席执行官丰田章男(AkioToyoda)周三向美国议员保证,丰田此次遭遇的危机教育了他,要更加重视消费者的反馈意见,增进这家全球化企业的信息共享。

    Akio Toyoda , Toyota 's chief executive , assured US lawmakers on Wednesday that the crisis engulfing the carmaker had taught him to put more emphasis on feedback from customers and better information sharing in his global company .

  21. 丰田章男经常现身各种赛事,身着红白相间的Nomex定制防火赛车服——肩章上印着他的爱犬Morizo的卡通像。

    He regularly shows up at events wearing a tailor-made Nomex fireproof red and white racing suit - featuring a shoulder patch with a cartoon of his dog , Morizo .

  22. 陷入困境的丰田(toyota)首席执行官丰田章男(akiotoyoda)承认,该公司在快速崛起至巅峰的过程中,迷失了方向和轻重缓急意识,最终导致大规模的汽车召回事件,并丧失了消费者的信任。

    Akio Toyoda , the embattled Toyota chief executive , has admitted that the company lost its way and sense of priorities in its rapid rise to the top , culminating in a massive vehicle recall and a loss of consumer trust .

  23. 委员会以尊敬的态度对丰田章男及丰田美国业务负责人稻叶良睍(YoshimiInaba)进行了质询,丝毫没有2008年11月对待现身国会的三名底特律汽车制造商首席执行官的那种敌意。

    The committee questioned Mr Toyoda and Yoshimi Inaba , head of Toyota 's US operations , respectfully with little of the hostility meted out to three Detroit carmaker chief executives on Capitol Hill in November 2008 .

  24. 知情人士表示,丰田章男辞职是因为,他在东京奥组委的职务与他在日本经济团体联合会(Keidanren)的主要奥运游说组织担任的主席职务之间存在潜在利益冲突。

    People close to the decision said Mr Toyoda 's move arose from a possible conflict of interest between his roles on the organising committee and as head of the Keidanren business federation 's main Olympic lobbying group .

  25. 丰田汽车从2008年起开始研发FR-S运动汽车,在此期间,丰田章男每个月至少都要试驾一次原型车,有时候会很不客气地提出反馈意见,涉及从减震装置到外部车标设计的方方面面。

    During the development of the FR-S sports car , which began in 2008 , he drove prototypes at least once a month and offered sometimes blistering feedback on everything from the suspension to the design of the exterior badge .

  26. 丰田章男,丰田总裁:这些问题的优先顺序被弄乱了。

    AKIO TOYODA , PRESIDENT , TOYOTA : These priorities became .

  27. 丰田章男对产品开发有着浓厚的兴趣。

    Mr. Toyoda has taken a deep interest in product development .

  28. 不过丰田章男做的这一切似乎都起到了作用。

    But whatever Akio is doing seems to be working .

  29. 不过,丰田章男似乎意识到了他必须证明自己。

    Yet Mr Toyoda appears aware of the need to prove himself .

  30. 丰田章男并非第一个亲自上阵的汽车公司高管。

    Mr. Toyoda isn 't the first auto executive to do so .