
  • 网络fengtai;Fengtai District
  1. 采用GIS技术和统计分析技术,基于1984、1992和1995~2001年土地利用图件和数据,分析了1984年以来北京丰台区土地利用变化历史过程及其空间分异特征。

    Based on the land use survey maps and data of 1984,1992,1995-2001 , and assisted by spatial analysis techniques of GIS and statistic analysis methods , the spatial-temporal process and differentiation of land use change since 1984 in Fengtai district of Beijing were analyzed .

  2. 北京市丰台区土地利用结构多目标优化

    The multi-objective optimizing of land-use structure in Fengtai district in Beijing

  3. 其中丰台区6例,大兴区1例。

    Six of them were found in Fengtai and one in Daxing .

  4. 丰台区56所医院消毒与灭菌状况的调查

    A survey of disinfection and sterilization work in 56 hospitals in Fengtai District

  5. 北京市丰台区13家用人单位流动人口职业健康监护的现状

    Occupational Health Surveillance of Floating Population in 13 Employing Units in Fengtai District of Beijing

  6. 北京市丰台区外来儿童卡介苗接种状况的研究

    A study on the BCG vaccination in temporary resident children in Fengtai district of Beijing

  7. 北京市丰台区2002-2008年性传播疾病流行趋势分析

    Epidemic trends of sexually transmitted diseases in FengTai district of Beijing from 2002 to 2008

  8. 北京丰台区农村居住用地变化及与人口相关模型

    Rural Residential Land Use Change and Its Correlative Model with Population in Fengtai District of Beijing

  9. 北京市丰台区一起旅行团食物中毒的案例分析

    Analysis of A Case of Food Poisoning in Touring Party in Fengtai District of Beijing City

  10. 1990-2008年北京市丰台区艾滋病病毒感染者/艾滋病患者感染疫情分析

    Analysis on epidemiological characteristics and trends of HIV / AIDS in Fengtai , Beijing , 199-2008

  11. 北京市丰台区流动已婚育龄妇女生殖道感染、相关知识及求医行为调查

    Investigation on reproductive tract infection among floating married women of childbearing age in Fengtai district in Beijing

  12. 北京市丰台区手足口病疫情与健康教育对策分析

    Analysis on epidemic situation and health education strategy of hand-foot-mouth disease in Fengtai District , Beijing City

  13. 北京市丰台区流动儿童保健现状调查分析

    Investigation and analysis on the status of health care of floating children in Fengtai District , Beijing

  14. 人文要素数据与土地利用单元匹配方法&以北京丰台区为例

    The Matching Method of Human Factor Data and Land Use Units : A Study Case of Fengtai District in Beijing

  15. 北京丰台区一级以下医疗卫生机构开展基本职业卫生服务现有条件调查

    Existing Conditions Survey of Implementation of Basic Occupational Health Services in Medical Units under First-level in Fengtai District of Beijing

  16. 卷土重来的新冠病毒已波及九个地区,其中丰台区情况最严重。

    Nine districts have been affected by the recurrence of the novel coronavirus , with Fengtai being hit the hardest .

  17. 新增病例中,丰台区5例,其余4例病例来自海淀区、西城区和朝阳区。

    Of the new cases , five were reported in Fengtai , with the remaining in Haidian , Xicheng and Chaoyang .

  18. 目的了解丰台区放射工作人员个人剂量水平的现状。

    [ Objective ] To find out the individual doses of radiation among radiation - exposed working staff in Fengtai District .

  19. 1998~2001年北京市丰台区放射工作人员个人剂量监测分析

    Surveillance on the individual doses of radiation among radiation - exposed working staff in Fengtai District in Beijing from 1998 to 2001

  20. 北京市丰台区免疫规划信息化建设现状

    Current status of computerized information system for immunization programs in Fengtai district of Beijing Research on Artificial Immune Technology in Building Agricultural Information

  21. 大城市近郊区耕地流失的驱动机制与保护策略&以北京市丰台区为例

    The Driving Forces of the Loss of Cultivated Land and its Protecting Measures in Urban Fringe & A Case of Fengtai District of Beijing

  22. 北京市丰台区的河西地区,位于北京市的西南部,紧邻中心城。

    Hexi Region is located in southwest of Beijing , in Fengtai District , closely near by the " centre town " of Beijing .

  23. 丰台区卫生局为培养、建立并发展一支高素质的全科医学专业人才队伍进行了积极探索和尝试。制定全科医师队伍发展规划;

    The public Health Bureau of Fengtai District has made positive explorations and attempts to cultivate , establish and develop a high-quality contingent of general practitioners .

  24. 目的探讨北京市丰台区流动人口精神卫生健康状况,为政府制定相应精神卫生政策和干预措施提供依据。

    Objective To explore the mental health status of the floating population in Fengtai District of Beijing to provide bases for enacting corresponding mental health policy and intervention provision .

  25. 该套京剧选修教科书已在丰台区初中试用,并将在北京全市中学推广;

    The textbooks for optional courses have been put on trial use in junior middle schools in the Fengtai district and will be used in middle schools across the city .

  26. 程晨和她的丈夫也住在离她工作单位较近的国贸,周末则会在位于丰台区的自己家里过。

    Cheng Chen and her husband also live in a rented apartment next to her workplace in the central business district and spend weekends in their own home in Fengtai district .

  27. 现场所有被邀请的农民工,在丰台区一家污水处理厂工作,在60年一遇的暴雨灾害中争分夺秒地转移被困居民。

    All invited migrant workers , who work for a water treatment factory in the Fengtai district of Beijing , raced against time to transfer people stranded by floodwaters on an expressway when the heaviest rainfall in 61 years lashed Beijing on July 21 .

  28. 新农办村镇建设处官员郭子华表示,第一步,在2016年,全市400个村庄的燃煤采暖炉将替换成电采暖或燃气采暖装置。2017年,朝阳、海淀、丰台、石景山区也都将推广这一行动。

    To start with , Beijing will replace coal-fired heating stoves with those powered by electricity or gas in 400 villages this year , before taking the campaign to the districts of Chaoyang , Haidian , Fengtai and Shijingshan by 2017 , said Guo Zihua , a municipal rural development official .

  29. 在东城、西城、崇文、宣武、朝阳、海淀、丰台、石景山八区选择具有代表性的社区开展创建体育设施完备、体育活动丰富、体育组织健全、体育特色突出的奥林匹克体育社区。

    Choose representative communities in the eight districts of dongcheng , xicheng , chongwen , xuanwu , chaoyang , haidian , Fengtai and Shijingshan to create Olympic sports communities with comprehensive sports facilities , busy sports activities , perfect sports organizations and outstanding sports characteristics .