
  • 网络intermediate input
  1. 并且这种集聚现象多是由企业为节约中间投入品成本而造成的聚拢效应。

    This clustering phenomenon is mostly controled by the cost of intermediate inputs .

  2. 中间投入品贸易对我国收入分配的影响:理论与实证

    The Effect of Intermediate Inputs Trade on Income Distribution of China : Theory and Empirical Analysis

  3. 关于投入产出表中中间投入流量矩阵的调整方法

    The Adjust Method About Central Input Flow Matrix in Input-output Table

  4. 生产性服务业又称生产者服务业,它是指生产过程中的中间投入服务,即用于商品和服务的进一步生产的目的,而非用于最终消费的服务。

    Producer services , means the services provided for the manufacturing process , while not for final consumers .

  5. 本文从中国制造业的角度来研究中间投入品贸易对制造行业收入分配的影响。

    In the empirical section this paper analyses the effect of intermediate inputs trade on income distribution of China .

  6. 第三部分引用芬斯特拉简单的中间投入品贸易模型,作为本文实证研究的理论支撑。

    The third section takes Feenstra 's simply Intermediate input trade model as the theory supporting of later empirical analysis .

  7. 第一,在此期间中国第三产业的中间投入和中间使用结构发生显著变化;

    First , the structure of intermediate input and intermediate use of the third industry changed substantially in the period ;

  8. 本文首先介绍全球中间投入品贸易的状况以及我国中间投入品贸易&加工贸易的现状。

    In this paper , we first introduce the status of Intermediate input trade both in the world and in China .

  9. 在投入产出指标的选择上,除了资金、劳动力两要素外,增加了中间投入指标。

    In the election of input-output forms , this paper adds a medium-input form in addition to capital and labor factors .

  10. 现代制造业所内含的技术、知识和人力资本,来源于现代生产者服务业对其的中间投入。

    Such elements vital to modern manufacturing as technology , knowledge and human capital come from the intermediate inputs of producer service .

  11. 中部地区的中间投入对工业生产率增长的影响大于其他三个地区。

    Besides , the impact of intermediate input to industrial output growth rate in middle zone is also greater than other zones .

  12. 静态效应主要包括以物化服务贸易存在的直接关税效应和以中间投入形式存在间接关税效应。

    Including physical effects of trade in services to the direct effect of tariffs and tariff exists in the form of indirect effect .

  13. 研究发现,税收负担与隐性经济(增加值和中间投入)显著正相关。

    The study finds that the tax burden has significant and positive effect on the hidden economy ( added value and intermediate input ) .

  14. 现代生产性服务业作为制造业的中间投入对浙江先进制造业基地的建设具有重要作用。

    Considering the relationship of producer service and manufacturing industry , the paper discusses the reasons why manufacturing industry in Zhejiang requires advanced producer services .

  15. 国际产业转移的盛行带来中间投入品贸易的扩大,在发展中国家的直接表现则是加工贸易份额的增加。

    Corresponding to the international industrial transfer is the increasing of Intermediate input trade that has increased the share of processing trade in developing countries .

  16. 模型的估计的结果显示,效率资本对工业生产率增长的影响大于建筑资本和中间投入。

    The Panel model estimation results show that the impact of efficiency-adjusted capital to the growth of industrial output is greater than structure capital and intermediate input .

  17. 本文的基本发现是,生产性服务已成为提升制造业竞争力的重要的中间投入,在某些行业,它是提升其竞争力的最主要的中间投入;

    The basic results is that producer service has come to be another important factor and the major drive to enhance the manufacturing competitiveness in some manufacturings .

  18. 财务状况:共69个指标,包括资产、负债、主营业务收入、利润、增值税、工业中间投入、现金流量等方面的指标。

    Finance : 69 indices , including asset , liability , revenue of major activities , profits , value-added-taxes , intermediate industrial input , cash flow , etc.

  19. 随着制造业结构形式的不断变革,服务作为中间投入要素已越来越多地融入制造业;

    Along with the unceasing change in structural form of manufacturing industry , services , as intermediate input factor , have been more and more fused with manufacturing industry .

  20. 这四个因素的共同特点是与市场密切相关,既包括要素市场,也包括最终消费品市场,还包括中间投入品市场。

    A common characteristic of the four elements is their close relation to market including factor market , market of final consumption goods and market of intermediate input products .

  21. 因此,我们当前的任务是要继续扩大中间投入品贸易,积极承接新一轮的服务业国际产业转移,并适时地促进加工贸易的转型升级。

    Therefore , the urgent thing we must do is to expand Intermediate input trade , receive service international industry transfer , and impel the processing trade reforming promotion .

  22. 生产性服务业对于具有环保、技术密集产业的中间投入比重加大,这是大连制造业产业转型升级与优化的良好体现。

    The proportion of intermediate input about production services for environmental protection , tech-intensive industry is increasing , this is good embodiment about transformation and upgrading manufacturing industry in Dalian .

  23. 该表因其将中间投入部分区分为国内投入与进口投入而在国际贸易问题研究中得到广泛应用。

    This kind of input-output table is widely used in international trade study because the intermediate input part of this kind table is divided into domestic input and imported input .

  24. 本文利用投入产出表和统计年鉴相关数据,在结合房地产业实际的基础上,将名义税负分解为税率带来的增税效应和抵扣带来的减税效应,并对房地产业中间投入水平进行重构。

    Based on a combination of actual situation of the real estate and input-output tables , the nominal tax rate of VAT can be interpreted by tax increases and deductible effects .

  25. 模拟结果首先验证了第二产业的中间投入产生资本节约型技术进步、第三产业的中间投入产生劳动节约型技术进步的假设;

    First , the simulation validate the assumption that technical progress of the second industry causes capital augmenting technical change , and that of the third industry causes labor technical change ;

  26. 第三,中间投入率大幅度提高,导致广东经济效益下降,因而降低中间投入率,可以在一定程度上改善经济效益。

    Thirdly , decrease of intermediate input rate ( IIR ) can improve economic effects to a certain extent since rapid increase of IIR results in deterioration of economic effects in Guangdong .

  27. 现代服务业主要是作为商品和服务生产过程中的中间投入而在经济增长中发挥知识资本、人力资本和技术资本的功能。

    Mainly as the intermediate input in the production of commodities and service , modern service trades function as the intellectual capital , human capital and technological capital in the economic growth .

  28. 通过引进技术创新所需要的中间投入品、商品和技术,获得处于世界技术前沿的新技术、新产品信息,借鉴先进的研发管理技术,以提高自主创新能力。

    This indicates that international trade has important spill-over effects on national innovation capability , by introducing necessary intermediates , acquiring the information about new technology and new products , and by technology trade directly .

  29. 研究表明,在生产成本中,中间投入、沉没成本和环境成本所占比例较大。在流通费用中,绿色物流费用和绿色包装费用占流通费用支出的主要部分。

    The research shows that the intermediate inputs , sunk cost , environments cost make a larger proportion in the cost of production and green logistics , green packaging cost accounts for the main part of circulation in the circulation cost .

  30. 接着本文利用变参数经济计量模型,测算了改革开放以来国内中间投入和进口中间投入的贡献系数的数值和变化情况,并就提高增加值率的可能方面进行了探讨。

    Following that this paper makes use of parameter-changed econometric model to measure the value and changes of contribution coefficient of both domestic and import intermediate input since open and reform , then explores some possible aspects of raising value-added rate .