
  • 网络Intermediate Code Generation;intermediate code generator;Intermediate Code Generate;Generation of intermediate code
  1. 编译器可以将这个指示符存储在它的符号表中,并在中间代码生成阶段使用这个指示符。

    The compiler can store this directive in its symbol table and use it during the intermediate code generation phase .

  2. 通过执行语义动作,就可以进行类型检查、中间代码生成及优化等相关工作,使得该算法成为完整的扩展文法分析技术,并在实际运用中成为可能。

    With the execution of these semantic routines , some work such as type checking , intermediate code generation and optimization can be done , which makes the parsing algorithm a full and significative parsing technique .

  3. 第二遍用于语义分析和中间代码生成;

    The second pass acts as semantic analyzer and intermediate code generator .

  4. 并对语言设计、语法分析、语义分析,以及中间代码生成和用来对中间代码解释执行的虚拟机等进行了深入的讨论。

    And a thorough discussion is develop according to language design , syntax analysis , semantic analysis , the intermediate code generation and the virtual machine which is used to interpret and execute the intermediate codes and so on .

  5. 在系统前端语法分析、语义分析及中间代码生成方面,先经过语法、语义分析建立抽象语法树,然后对抽象语法树进行遍历生成中间代码。

    In the aspect of syntax analysis , semantic analysis and the intermediate code generation of system front , an abstract syntax tree is built after syntax analysis and semantic analysis , and then this abstract syntax tree is traversed to generate the intermediate code .

  6. 程序自动生成过程参考编译器各阶段进行设计,包括对EXCEL表格填写内容的错误检查,优化生成XML形式的中间代码,以及设计一个程序生成器来读取中间代码并翻译生成C语言控制程序。

    The process of program self-generation is designed with reference to the steps of compiler , including the error check of EXCEL , the optimization and generation of XML as intermediate code and the design of program generator which generates C language control program from XML file .