
zhōnɡ yào pù
  • Chinese pharmacy;shop of traditional Chinese medicines;store of traditional Chinese medicines
中药铺 [zhōng yào pù]
  • [shop of traditional Chinese medicines] 出卖传统中药的商店(店铺)

  1. 你们去看一看中药铺,那里的药柜子上有许多抽屉格子,每个格子上面贴着药名,当归、地、黄、硝,应有尽有。

    Go and take a look at any Chinese pharmacy , and you will see cabinets with numerous drawers , each bearing the name of a drug & toncal , foxglove , rhubarb , saltpetre , indeed , everything that should be there .

  2. 党八股的第五条罪状是:甲乙丙丁,开中药铺。

    The fifth indictment against stereotyped Party writing is that it arranges items under a complicated set of headings , as if starting a Chinese pharmacy .

  3. 这位官员命令他的部下在所有中药铺中搜集这味中药并将其送到史学家那里检查。

    The mandarin then sent his men to collect dragon bones in all herbal medicine shops and had them examined by historians .

  4. 设计精品店、画廊与咖啡屋和老印刷厂、中药铺以及满是灰尘的古董店比邻而居。

    Design boutiques , art galleries , and coffee houses sit beside old printing shops , Chinese medicine vendors and dusty antique stores .

  5. 现在许多同志津津有味于这个开中药铺的方法,实在是一种最低级、最幼稚、最庸俗的方法。

    The method borrowed from the Chinese pharmacy , which many of our comrades are very fond of , is really the most crude , infantile and philistine of all .

  6. 结论:温针结合中药泥督脉铺灸疗法治疗强直性脊柱炎具有疗效显著,作用持久,安全可靠的特点,有较高的临床实用价值。

    Conclusion : The combination therapy of acupuncture with warmed needle and governor vessel long snake moxibustion is significantly and persistently effective , safe and reliable , and it has superior utility value .