
  • 网络Sino-Soviet debate
  1. 摘要中苏论战对中国社会主义建设道路的曲折发展有著直接的因果关系。

    Sino-Soviet debate directly affected Chinese socialist construction and made it tortuous .

  2. 再论中苏论战的历史原因

    Analysing the History Causes of Sino-Soviet Debate

  3. 论文认为,中苏论战的历史可分为四个发展阶段。

    We think the debate includes four stages .

  4. 同时,中苏论战也严重干扰和阻碍了中国社会主义建设的历史进程。

    At the same time , the debate has serious interference and hindered the Chinese socialist construction history .

  5. 中苏论战与中国政治&一论中苏关系恶化对中国的影响

    The Sino-Soviet Debate and Politics in China & the impact of the deterioration in the Sino-Soviet relations on China

  6. 试析对外战略分歧与冲突对中苏论战的影响正确认识和对待社会主义发展进程中的曲折性

    Influence of Sino-Soviet debate on tortuous socialist construction of China Rational Understanding of the Tortuous Progress of Socialism and Proper Attitude to it

  7. 从1956年3月到1966年3月整整十年间,是中苏论战从开始到结束的十年。

    The Sino-Soviet debate , which happened from the March of 1956 to March of 1966 and from fierce to ice-cold situation , lasted ten years .

  8. 本论文分六个部分对中苏论战的过程、原因、内容、实质、历史影响和经验教训进行了评述和分析,主要内容如下。

    This thesis mainly reviews and analyzes the process , the reasons , the contents , the essence , the historic influence , and the experiences and lessons of the debate .

  9. 中苏论战述评试论北上海战略对苏中苏北的带动作用

    Sino-Soviet Debate Review Tentative Remarks on the Positive Influence That the Strategy of Building a New Shanghai District North of Yangtze River Sheds on the Development of Central and Northern Jiangsu

  10. 第一部分:中苏分歧与论战的历史背景。

    Part one : Background of the Sino-Soviet differences and polemics .

  11. 第五部分:中苏分歧与论战的历史影响与教训。

    Part five : Historical influence and lesson of the Sino-Soviet Differences and Polemics .

  12. 本文主要分六个部分来阐释中苏分歧与论战这一当代中国外交史上的重大课题。

    The thesis divided mainly into six parts to analyze the Sino-Soviet differences and polemics , which was an important topic in contemporary diplomatic history of china .

  13. 第三部分:中苏关于斯大林问题论战的教训和启示。

    ⅲ, The third part discusses the lesson and Enlightenment of Sino-Soviet debate about Stalin problem .

  14. 另外,中苏之间民族传统的差异及其影响下的个人因素无疑也起到了重大作用,再加上其他多种因素的综合作用,最终引发了激烈的中苏论战。

    In addition , difference of national tradition between the two countries and individual difference between the leaders of the two countries undoubtedly also were important factors . Under the combined action of those factors and many other ingredients , Sino-Soviet debate fiercely broke out .