
  • 网络Skeletonema costatum
  1. 采用抑制剂加入法估算了中肋骨条藻、棕囊藻和东海原甲藻在不同生长期内二甲基硫化物的产生与消耗速率。

    By the method of inhibitor amendment , this paper estimated the production and consumption of dimethyl sulfur compounds by Skeletonema costatum , Phaeocystis sp.

  2. 而在沙滩生境中,中肋骨条藻为次优势种之一,在其他生境类型的站点中生物量不多。

    Skeletonema costatum was one of the dominant species in the habitat of sandy beach compared with the small amount in other habitats .

  3. 因此我们推测CO2加富培养可能改变了鼠尾藻对中肋骨条藻克生作用的方式,由原来的通过分泌克生物质的作用方式变化为细胞直接接触传递的方式。

    Accordingly , it was speculated that the action way of allelopathic effect might be changed by CO2 enrichment , which changed from secreting allelopathic substance to direct cell contact transmission .

  4. 中肋骨条藻在两种抗生素的暴露下,藻细胞都出现光合作用明显抑制、叶绿素含量显著降低、细胞膜完整性丧失和细胞内ROS积累的现象。

    The photosynthesis of algae cells was inhibited , the content of chlorophyll decreased , integrity of cell membrane lost and intracellular ROS increased for both antibiotics exposure .

  5. SK-2的ITS序列与SK-1的相似程度很低,只有51%,但与拟中肋骨条藻的ITS序列相似程度高,为95.5%。

    The ITS sequence similarity of SK-2 and SK-1 was very low , showing 51.5 % of identity , but it had very high level of similarity with that of Skeletonema pseudocostatum ( 95.5 % );

  6. 采用常规水文气象观测与赤潮现场监测相结合方法,探讨厦门西海域一次中肋骨条藻(skeletonemacostatum)赤潮的物理成因。

    Adopt with the method of hydrology meteorological observation of the routine and red tide monitors by scene combined together , to probe into the physics origin cause of formation of a red tide ( Skeletonema costatum ) in the West Sea Area of Xiamen .

  7. 中肋骨条藻的室内筛选室外培养技术

    Skeletonema the interior selects that the outside fosters the technique

  8. 中肋骨条藻细胞内活性氧自由基的过度积累会引起过氧化损伤,最终使藻细胞死亡,从而抑制了中肋骨条藻的生长。

    Peroxidation damage as the result of ROS excessive accumulation could eventually cause algal death .

  9. 我国海域赤潮灾害的类型、分布与变化趋势长江口中肋骨条藻赤潮的分布与特点

    Type of formation , distribution and temporal trend of red tides occurred in the China Sea

  10. 在赤潮爆发期间,赤潮原因种高齿状藻和中肋骨条藻发生了明显的演替现象,不同细胞大小的优势种和营养条件的变化是发生物种演替的主要原因。

    Cell size and nutrient ratios are the main reasons leading to the shift of red tide species .

  11. 与此类似,无论是批次培养的细胞,还是自然群体的模拟培养,中肋骨条藻的生长速率增加总是伴随着细胞链的加长。

    Similarly , a positive correlation between growth rate and chain length was observed in S.costatum in batch culture and natural communities in enclosure experiments .

  12. 而秋季水温较低,浮游植物细胞数量较春季大为减少,中肋骨条藻和柔弱菱形藻对资源的竞争较为缓和,使外界环境变化成为影响优势种变化的主要原因;

    In autumn , although nutrient concentrations in the waters were high , phytoplankton density was much lower than that in spring and their competition for resource was mitigated , and the succession of the dominant phytoplankton species was mainly influenced by environmental factors .

  13. 在陆源低盐水中养殖南美白对虾期间,池塘里出现了持续时间较长的优势种中肋骨条藻。

    Skeleton coastatum , as a dominant microalgae in eutrophication , was found in a white legged shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei pond in brackish water .