
zhōng piān xiǎo shuō
  • novellas;novelette;medium-length novel;long short story
中篇小说 [zhōng piān xiǎo shuō]
  • [novelette;medium-length novel] 其篇幅介于长篇小说与短篇小说之间的小说

中篇小说[zhōng piān xiǎo shuō]
  1. 埃德加·爱伦·坡(EdgarAllanPoe,1809-1849)一生所留下的主要作品为短篇小说、诗歌以及文学评论,仅有一部中篇小说《阿瑟·戈登·皮姆的故事》。

    In the short life of Edgar Allan Poe ( 1809-1849 ), the major works he left are short stories , poems and literary criticisms , and the only medium-length novel is the Narrative of A. Gordon Pym .

  2. 论20世纪新文学第三个十年走向大众的中篇小说

    On the Third Decade Medium-Length Novel of " Toward the Masses " in the-20th-Century New-Vernacular Literature

  3. 这部时长60分钟的剧改编自马丁的系列奇幻中篇小说,讲述了在“冰与火之歌”事件发生前90年,“高个”邓肯爵士和年轻的伊耿·坦格利安五世的冒险经历。

    The one-hour show would be based on the series of fantasy novellas by George R. R. Martin , which follow the adventures of Ser Duncan the Tall ( Dunk ) and a young Aegon V Targaryen ( Egg ) 90 years prior to the events of “ A Song of Ice and Fire . ”

  4. 《13种观看方法:小说》(ThirteenWaysOfLooking:Fiction),科伦姆·麦坎恩(ColumMcCann)著(RandomHouse出社,26美元)。含一部中篇小说与三部短篇小说,显示出麦坎恩充满共情的想像,以及对文学之可能性的信仰。

    THIRTEEN WAYS OF LOOKING : Fiction . By Colum McCann . ( Random House , $ 26 . ) A novella and three stories display McCann 's empathetic imagination and in the capabilities of literature .

  5. 想象中的人物埃内斯托·佩雷斯·马松(ErnestoPérezMasón)努力创作他的中篇小说,称之为“一出性幻想,也是激烈的反美狂想,主角是艾森豪威尔将军与巴顿将军”;

    The imaginary Ernesto P é rez Mas ó n , who pounds away at his novella that is " an erotic and fiercely anti-U.S.A. fantasy , whose protagonists were General Eisenhower and General Patton " ;

  6. 《老人与海》是海明威的中篇小说。

    The old man and the sea is Hemingway 's novel .

  7. 对中篇小说《饥饿》中女性主义特征的及物性研究

    A Transitivity Study of the Feminist Features in the Novella Hunger

  8. 试论泰戈尔中篇小说中的女性形象及其思想内涵

    On the Women Images in Tagore 's Novelettes and Their Ideological Meanings

  9. 答:我这辈子从来没故意写过中篇小说。

    I never in my life set out to write a novella .

  10. 陈染的中篇小说《无处告别》表现出一股鲜明的存在主义哲学色彩。

    Chenran 's novella Nowhere to say goodbye showed sharp existentialism philosophy overtone .

  11. 美丽与忧伤&2003年辽宁中篇小说聚焦

    Beauty and sadness . Focusing on 2003 Liaoning novelette

  12. 权力话语与悲情叙事&对董立勃中篇小说《冻土》的解读

    Powerful Discourse And Tragic Narrative & The interpretation of Frozen Soil by Dong Libo

  13. 中篇小说《我爱比尔》则以一个世俗的故事来象征中国城市现代化所处的尴尬境地。

    Novella / love Bill symbolizes a dilemma of the modernization in Chinese cities .

  14. 《每个人》、《圣经》和斯坦贝克的中篇小说

    Everyman , Bible and Steinbeck 's Novellas

  15. 精神世界的游牧民族&读王安忆中篇小说《我爱比尔》

    The Nomad in the Spiritual World & on Wang An-yi s I love Bill ;

  16. 思想解放运动中崛起的中篇小说。

    Third , medium-novels with ideological emancipation .

  17. 改编自陀思妥耶夫斯基的中篇小说《地下人》,亨利·彻尼扮演解说员。

    Adapted from Dostoevsky 's novella , Henry Czerny plays the narrator , Underground Man .

  18. 上篇从外部特征和内在特征两方面论述中篇小说的文体特征。

    In the first part , the styles characteristics including external and internal ones are discussed .

  19. 就在那一年,他的中篇小说《春夜雨霏霏》出版了。

    That was the year his novella , Drizzle on a Spring Night , was published .

  20. 所以审视辽宁中篇小说可谓喜忧参半,一半是美丽,一半是忧伤。

    The situation of Liaoning novelette is both worried and glad ; it 's beautiful and sad .

  21. 惊骇之音&评德国作家克里斯托夫.海因的中篇小说《陌生朋友》

    An Astonishing Sound & A Critique on German Writer Christoph Hein s Novella A Strange Friend ;

  22. 社会的解放与人的解放&康濯中篇小说《水滴石穿》新论

    Liberation of Man and Society : A New Outlook of Kang Zhuo 's Constant Dripping Wears the Stone

  23. 作者试图在历史文化层面上对张承志的中篇小说《黑骏马》进行重新解读。

    This article tries to re-explain Zhang cheng zhi 's novelette the Black steed from historical and cultural aspect .

  24. 对弱势群体精神世界的解读&评中篇小说《乡徙》

    An Analysis of the Spiritual World the Weak Community & Comment on the novelette Down to the Country ;

  25. 《南方邮航》是法国飞行员作家圣埃克苏佩里一部独具艺术特色的中篇小说。

    Southern Mail is Saint Exupery 's novel with unique artistic features , which is rich in diverse images .

  26. 对芳草的又一声深切呼唤&评迟子建的中篇小说《世界上所有的夜晚》

    Another Deep Call to " Meadows " & Criticizing the Novelette All Nights in the World by Chi Zijian ;

  27. 当下文化环境中人生态度的艺术探寻&王蒙中篇小说《春堤六桥》评析

    Artistic Pursuit of Attitudes towards Life in the Contemporary Cultural Context : A Review of The Six Bridges of the Spring Embankment

  28. 中国新文学发展的第二个十年(1928&1937),中篇小说在时代需要和自身发展中趋于成熟,不仅创作数量明显增多,出现了一批有影响的好作品;

    During the second ten years of Chinese new literature ( 19281937 ), novelette grew up due to epochal needs and self-improvement .

  29. 潘军的中篇小说《重瞳》为读者创造出一个与历史文本中的项羽迥然不同的艺术形象。

    In his medium length novel , PAN Jun creates an artistic image completely different from XIANG YU described in historical books .

  30. 其主要成就是长篇小说和短篇故事(包括一些中篇小说),共写有12部长篇小说。

    His main achievements are in his novels and short stories ( including some novellas ) . Lawrence altogether wrote 12 novels .