- be the lucky number;be the lucky number (in drawing lots)

[be the lucky number (in drawing lots)] 分期还本的债券号码跟用抽签办法得出的本期还本的债券号码相同。中签的债券可以领取本金
In addition , the IPO underpricing in GEM is significantly influenced by the time intervals between issue and public and demand-to-offer ratio .
In the success rate is an important manifestation of the market environment , and its also the main reason for high IPO underpricing level in China .
Thus , the joint participation by both informed and uninformed investors in underpriced IPOs makes the demand for underpriced IPOs high , and allocation rate low .
Using this approach , you can simply check files out of source control or distribute the project and run it without changing the Eclipse IDE settings .
This means they aren 't run every time during a test run , such as in a code check-in within a CI environment .
This allows deployments of the Rational Application Developer virtual system pattern or the CLM virtual system pattern to lookup the license server at the time of deployment , then automatically check out a license from a shared license pool .
AEG officials are trying to make sure that the lottery winners can 't resell the tickets .
Listing prices were set low , a form of manipulation that ensured great excitement on an IPO 's opening day and made instant winners of investors lucky enough to have got shares in the pre-IPO ballot .
IPO first-day turnover , amplitude ratio and small plates market index with the initial yield are positively correlated . The success rate and the initial rate is a negative correlation . Finally , it makes some policy suggestions based on the above .
We examine empirically Rock 's ( 1986 ) theory using data of 267 A-share initial public offerings ( IPOs ) in Shanghai from January 1,1999 through December 31, 2003.Consistent with Rock 's ( 1986 ) theory of adverse selection , the allocation rate was negatively related to initial return .
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Gordon Hayward signed a four-year , $ 128 million max deal in his move from Utah to Boston .
Tony Schwartz , Trump 's ghostwriter for his book ' The Art of The Deal , ' is another .
Ticket recipients were by email Sunday and required to pick up the tickets in person , with wristbands at the pickup location .
Secondly we resort to the Investor Fund Most Superior Arrangement Model , to obtain the investor would do decision by Lot Winning Rate .
The raising of lofs follows the model of online pricing of new shares , but without the steps of matching number and winning lot .
If very low lottery rate and capital cost is into consideration , investors will not obtain excess return , there is also adverse selection in IPOs .
The average initial return is very high , but the actural return of the subscribers is much lower than the nominal level due to the low hit rate .
The empirical study using statistic analysis and OLS shows its result is in accordance with the theory and the subscription rate is the most important factor influencing opportunity cost .
In Shenzhen A-share stock market , winner 's ratio is significantly negative to the initial return , which may support the assumption of the offer price manipulation of large institutional .
The results showed that the market sentiment index , online purchase success rate , listed on the first day of new shares turnover , issue size , the honeymoon period is significant factor .
With this method , we achieved in the integration of the two factors : the success rate and IPO interval . Finally , I use the multiple regression model to do the empirical test .
The right to choose the initial order of serving , receiving and ends shall be decided by lot and the winner may choose to serve or to receive first or to start at a particular end .
Methods 15 spots of 6 counties which had been selected in National investigation in 1990 were selected in current program , which is carried out in 2002 according to the unified requirements and standardized methods in the nationwide .
In this paper , online and offline as weights the number of shares issued to online and offline success rate , integrated in the success rate is derived , as a measure of a market supply and demand and investor sentiment indicators .
Methods To stratify sampling the spots in the counties ( or cites ) in signs in the First National Investigation , use the same method to investigate crowd infection rate and the data on chemotherapy , social economy and others was collected to analyze .