
  • 网络intermediate mass black hole;intermediate-mass black holes
  1. 太阳邻域的小型及微型暗晕和中等质量黑洞

    Dark mini-halos , micro-halos and intermediate-mass black holes in the solar neighborhood

  2. 黑洞双星、中等质量黑洞和活动星系核(AGNs)都被观测到存在QPO。

    QPOs have been observed in BH binaries , intermediate mass BHs and active galactic nuclei ( AGNs ) .

  3. 现在天文学家们称,他们发现的第一个确凿的证据表明,有一个难以发现的中等质量黑洞位于遥远星系的边缘上。

    Now , astronomers say they have found the first conclusive evidence for one of these elusive objects at the fringe of a distant galaxy .

  4. 这个新发现的天体叫做HLX-1,是首个显示为中等质量的黑洞,介于恒星质量的黑洞和超大质量的黑洞之间。

    The newly discovered object , called HLX-1 , is the first to show an intermediate weight between stellar-mass and supermassive black holes .

  5. 关于中等质量的黑洞,该发现还有一个没有解决的问题。

    The find still leaves open an important question about intermediate black holes .

  6. 在宇宙中,存在着大量的重量级黑洞和轻量级黑洞,但是没有人发现过中等质量的黑洞,因此一些科学家认为中等质量的黑洞不存在。

    Heavyweight and lightweight black holes abound in the universe , but nobody has detected a middleweight & and some scientists argue they don 't exist .

  7. 或者,中等质量的黑洞有可能是宇宙中最早期的恒星留下的残余物,科学家们认为当时的恒星比现在的恒星要大得多。

    Or , intermediate-mass black holes could be leftovers from the very earliest stars in the universe , which scientists think were much larger than today 's versions .