
  1. 今年恰逢中日邦交正常化35周年。

    This year marks the35th anniversary of normalization of China-Japan diplomatic ties .

  2. 民间贸易与中日邦交正常化

    Nongovernmental Trade and Normalization of the Diplomatic Relations Between China and Japan

  3. 中日邦交正常化以来,两国关系的现状是:“交流加深,摩擦不断”。

    Since normalizing their bilateral relations , China and Japan have been experiencing ever-deepening communication and constant frictions .

  4. 在中日邦交正常化以后,政党外交仍然在两国关系中发挥着稳定和促进作用。

    After that , the political party diplomacy still plays an important role in Sino - Japanese relationship .

  5. 中日邦交正常化以来的中日关系及日本人的中国观

    The Relationship between China and Japan and Japanese View of China Since the Normalization of Diplomatic Rations between China and Japan

  6. 1972年中日邦交正常化的实现,是两国关系史上一个划时代的转折点。

    The diplomatic normalization of the Sino-Japanese relations in 1972 , is an epoch-making event in the Sino-Japanese relations ' history .

  7. 中日邦交正常化以来,中日关系是两国各自最重要的双边关系之一。

    Since Normalization of Sino-Japanese Relations , - Sino-Japanese relationship has become one of the most important bilateral relationships for both countries .

  8. 第三部分主要论述中日邦交正常化之前中国对战争遗留问题的处理(1949-1972年)。

    Part III focuses on the handling the remaining issues of the war before the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan .

  9. 随着中日邦交正常化、中日国家关系的变化、大众文化的繁荣,日本人形象的具体创作方式和演绎方式也发生着变化。

    With the normalization of Sino-Japanese relationship and the prosperity of popular culture , the specific creation and interpretation of Japanese images has undergone changes .

  10. 正确对待历史,妥善处理台湾问题,是中日邦交正常化谈判的两个最重要的核心问题。

    To treat history correctly and solve the Taiwan question properly are the two core topics of the negotiations on the normalization of China-Japan diplomatic ties .

  11. 中日邦交正常化以后两国关系的历史分期对于朝鲜而言,争取与美国邦交正常化是一个重中之重。

    The Historical Division of Periods after Normalization of Relations between China and Japan For North Korea , securing normal ties with America is a key objective .

  12. 双方还将加快中日韩自由贸易区谈判,启动2022年中日邦交正常化50周年纪念活动筹备工作。

    They will also speed up negotiations on the China-Japan-South Korea free trade area and start preparing for the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic ties in 2022 .

  13. 中日邦交正常化30多年来,日本媒体在两国关系中始终扮演着重要的角色。

    Since normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan more than 30 years ago , mass media of Japan has been playing all important role all the time in the relations between two countries .

  14. 1972年中日邦交正常化以来的日本对华教育交流事业,是整个中日教育交流史不可缺少的部分,也是当代中日关系的一个重要组成部分。

    Since the normalization of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations in 1972 , the educational exchanges between China and Japan have been an indispensable part of history , and are also an important component of Sino-Japanese relations .

  15. 从旧金山和约签订到1972年中日邦交正常化之前,日本政府对华一直奉行政经分离原则。

    From the sign of San Francisco Peace Treaty to the normalization of diplomatic relations in 1972 , before the Government of Japan to China has been pursuing a " political and economic separation " principle .

  16. 中日邦交正常化30年来,两国关系取得了重大发展,其影响惠及中日两国人民,也惠及亚太地区和全世界。

    Since the establishment of normal Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations 30 years ago , their bilateral relations have developed significantly , which have influenced and benefited both the two peoples as well as the Asian Pacific regions and the whole world .

  17. 第二部分,阐述中日邦交正常化之后出现蜜月期的原因与两国道路转型的初始阶段利益互补的内在联系。

    In the second part , we would present the reasons for the " Honeymoon " period after the normalization of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations ; we also discuss the inner complementary relationship between the above reasons and their transformation of national systems .

  18. 中日邦交正常化以后,民间外交也一直占有十分重要的地位,在促进两国关系的健康发展方面,在加强两国各领域的共同协作等方面,始终发挥着不可替代的作用。

    After the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan , the folk diplomacy has always held the important and irreplaceable status to promote comprehensive and healthy development between both China and Japan , and to strengthen bilateral cooperation in various fields between both China and Japan .

  19. 2002年是中日邦交实现正常化30周年。在这一时期里,中日两国积极谋求双边的友好关系,在政治、经济、文化等领域都取得了很大的成绩。

    It is the 30th anniversary that the normalization of diplomatic rations between China and Japan in 2002 . For the past 30 years , China and Japan built friendship positively , and it obtained the excellent result in each domain , such as politics , economy , culture , etc.

  20. 中国中央领导推迟了原定于本周的周年庆典活动,该庆典原本是用来庆祝中日双方邦交关系正常化40周年而筹办的。

    The central authorities here in China have postponed events scheduled for later this week which were meant to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations .

  21. 中日关系要在恪守中日邦交正常化时的三个文件的基础上,遵守以下三个原则。

    In addition to the three documents governing the normalization of relations between the two countries , I believe our relationship should also follow the three principles I am going to elaborate .

  22. 同时尼克松冲击增强了日本朝野要求改善中日关系的动力,为中日邦交正常化提供了一个好契机,中日两国顺利修好。

    Meanwhile " Nixon Shock " enhanced Japanese government to improve Sino-Japanese relations and provides a good opportunity for the normalization of two countries . The relationships were smoothly fixed between China and Japan .

  23. 中日两国为改善政治经济关系,促进中日邦交正常化早日实现做出了许多努力。

    China and Japan to improve political and economic relations , promote the early realization of the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan have made many efforts .

  24. 建国初期,中日两国以民间贸易为主,1972年中日两国实现邦交正常化,为两国农产品技术合作提供了政治保障,农产品技术合作领域逐步扩大。

    Early , non-governmental trade between China and Japan mainly to the 1972 normalization of diplomatic ties between China and Japan , agricultural technical cooperation between the two countries to provide political protection and technical cooperation in the field of agricultural products gradually expanded .

  25. 中日关系是最重要的双边关系,我们高兴地看到,中日邦交正常化以来,中日关系有了很大的发展,去年双边贸易额接近1700亿美元。

    What measures are you going to adopt to solve these problems ? Wen : The relationship with Japan is one of the most important bilateral relationships for China .