
  • interrupt capabilities
  1. 工程师必须解决设计差异,比如中断能力、默认变量长度以及内存中地址的分配。

    Engineers must address architectural differences , such as interrupt capabilities and default variable sizes and their layout in memory .

  2. 在这种情况下,短路水平大大高于现有的中断能力。

    In this case the short circuit level is way above the existing interruptive capacity .

  3. 该图还包括该特定的总线中的断路器的短路中断能力。

    The graph includes the short circuit interruptive capacities of the breakers in that particular bus .

  4. “单相控制装置采用两极、普通行程断路器,额定对称中断能力为10000安培。”

    " Single-phase controllers utilize a two pole , common trip circuit breaker with 10,000 amp symmetrical interrupting capacity rating . "

  5. 西方国家具有应对供应中断的能力。

    Western countries have the capacity to respond .

  6. 这并没有对供应安全构成威胁。供应安全取决于天然气经济体处理供应中断的能力。

    This is no threat to security of supply , which is determined by the ability of the gas economy to cope with supply disruptions .

  7. KVM支持实时迁移,这提供了在物理宿主之间转移正在运行的虚拟机而不中断服务的能力。

    KVM supports live migration which provides the ability to move a running virtual machine between physical hosts with no interruption to service .

  8. ⑶根据RS(12,4)码的特点,结合NANDFlash流水线管理方式,将信息码元和校验码元存储于不同芯片中,使存储器具备抗芯片功能中断错误的能力,而且不影响存储器的连续读写速率。

    ⑶ Combined the characteristics of RS ( 12,4 ) code with the pipeline managements of NAND Flash , store the information symbols and parity symbols in different chips . And it is possible to correct single event functional interrupt errors .

  9. 为了研究光纤通信系统无中断工作的能力,计算通信系统可用度具有重要的意义。

    To study the communication systems capability of working without interrupt , calculating the communication systems availability has great importance .

  10. 备用容量是指用来应对电力中断的超额发电能力。

    A reserve margin is the amount of excess power generation capacity maintained to counter outages .

  11. 在供应方面,过去几年的经验表明,随着开发新矿的障碍升高,分析师一直低估了生产中断和新生产能力拖延的程度。

    On the supply side , experience over the past few years suggests analysts have consistently underestimated the extent of production disruptions and delays to new capacity as the hurdles to developing new mines grow higher .

  12. 它有助于提高学生对中断嵌套机理的深刻认识和应用中断嵌套技术的能力。

    It is very useful to help to speed up the recognition of interrupt nesting principle and capability of applying interrupt nesting technology for students .