
  • 网络Assessment Center;polycentric;Centroid Method
  1. 非监督分类中初始聚类中心法的比较研究

    The comparative research of initializing cluster centers for unsupervised classification

  2. 非虚假设非中心法及其临床应用

    A Non-Central Procedure of the Non-Null Hypothesis and its Applications in Clinical Practice

  3. 多目标结构优化设计的中心法

    Method of centers for structural optimization with multiple objectives

  4. 自适应滤波的新方法&几何中心法

    A New Method in Adaptive Filtering-Geometrical Center Method

  5. 备注:法会行程如有任何更动,将会在中心法会期间通告。

    Remark : Any changes in the Schedule will be announced at the Center .

  6. 最优聚类中心法是一种有效的雷达目标一维距离像识别方法,但当训练数据较少时,该方法的识别性能急剧下降。

    Approach based on optimal cluster centers is an effective approach to radar target recognition .

  7. 广义非中心法

    A Generalized Non - central Procedure

  8. 刚性转向架曲线通过的蠕滑中心法

    Creep Center Method for Bogie Curving

  9. 基于幅度加权几何中心法的毫米波高分辨雷达角跟踪技术

    Angle Tracking Technology Based on Amplitude Weighting Geometrical Center Method for MMW High Range Resolution Radar

  10. 介绍了燃气和热力空间管道热补偿计算的弹性中心法。

    The elastic center method on thermal compensation of space gas and heating pipes is introduced .

  11. 用蠕滑中心法研究轨道几何参数对钢轨侧磨的影响

    A Study of Influences of Track Geometry Parameters on Rail Gage Wear with Creep Center Method

  12. 用弹性中心法推导等截面圆弧杆件的转角位移方程

    To Derive the Slope-displacement Equation of Uniform CrossSection Circular Curved Bar With the Method of Elastic Centre

  13. 坝后背管结构力学弹性中心法的应用

    Application of the elasticity center method of structure mechanics for penstock laid on the downstream face of dam

  14. 坝后背管弹性中心法与有限元方法对比分析

    Comparison Analysis of Elasticity Center Method and Finite Element Method for Penstock Laid on Downstream Surface of Dam

  15. 目的本文提出一种非虚假设非中心法,并说明其临床应用。

    Objective This paper proposes a non-central procedure of the non-null hypothesis and explains its applications in clinical practice .

  16. 分析和仿真结果表明:该文提出的算法比传统的面积中心法具有更高的估计精度。

    Simulations show that this algorithm has higher estimation precision than the traditional area center ( AC ) algorithm .

  17. 本文应用数量化理论Ⅰ研究克山病与地理环境之间的关系。首先按网格法把全国分为3825个基本评价单元,并按网格中心法进行评价要素的空间匹配。

    The authors apply the theory of quantification I to study the relationship between Keshan disease and geographical environment .

  18. 对小偏心受压构件采用塑性中心法进行截面设计的商榷

    A discussion on the cross section design of small eccentric members in compression by the " Plastic Center method "

  19. 利用实际观测资料初步验证了平均几何中心法,结果表明,与通常采用的重心法相比,此方法对人卫观测中的拖长星像进行中心定位的精度较高。

    Results of CCD observations show that mean-geometrical-centering is an effective method to determine the center of stretched star images .

  20. 提出一个求解多目标结构优化设计的中心法,该方法可以看作是求解单目标优化问题中心法的直接推广。

    This paper presents an efficient algorithm , named as method of centers , for solving structural optimization problems with multiple objectives .

  21. 通过时间差分法实现目标检测,采用强度中心法确定目标位置。

    At last , the object detection is achieved using time difference method and the object position is determined using intensity center method .

  22. 条纹中心法的算法为条纹跟踪法,即模仿趋近法来研究条纹中心。

    One of the earliest algorithms for fringe center method was fringe tracking , which mimicked the human approach of following fringe center s.

  23. 最优聚类中心法在少样本训练数据时识别率急剧下降是因为它对“病态”矩阵处理不当。

    The reason of the above error is found out : the recognition method based on the optimal cluster centers disposes badly-conditioned matrixes inaccurately .

  24. 在样本数量较大时,提出网格中心法和网格采样法降低计算复杂度。

    The method of grid center and method of grid sample are presented to lower the calculation complexity when the number of points is huge .

  25. 本文采用两种方法对加强筋的结构进行优化,只是后者结合了中心法的优化算法。

    Based on two kinds of methods , we optimize the structure of ribs . Only the latter method uses the center method as an optimization algorithm .

  26. 为解决由于控制变量离散性导致系统输出振荡的问题,提出使用模糊中心法合成控制量输出,实现了控制变量的连续调节。

    In order to solve the oscillatory problem caused by the discrete control variables , an improved fuzzy center method is used to aggregate the control output .

  27. 把整合学习理论作为需求分析的理论基础,比以往的交际能力理论和学习中心法更加全面。

    As the theoretical basis of needs analysis , comprehensive learning theory is more complete than communicative approach and learning-centered approach that appear in an early stage .

  28. 具体展开的研究工作有:(1)论述了拱的力学发展史,梳理了经典弹性中心法计算拱圈的过程。

    Specific research works carry out : ( 1 ) This article discusses the history of arch mechanics and reviews the classical elastic center method for arch bridge .

  29. 并且进一步提出利用图像的平均相关性来评价本文实现的两种感兴趣区域提取算法性能一几何中心法和质心法。

    Average correlation of hand vein image was proposed to evaluate the performance of two different methods of region of interest extraction-centroid strategy and geometric strategy . 2 .

  30. 即直接把等截面曲杆作为单元,采用弹性中心法导出单元刚度矩阵通用公式。

    It takes the uniform cross-section curved bar as an element , and the general equation of the element stiffness equation is derived by means of the method of elastic centre .