
zhōnɡ yānɡ qì xiànɡ tái
  • Central Meteorological Observatory;Chinese Central Meteorological Station
  1. 中央气象台表示,降雪将导致气温下降8到10度,不过从11月20日至22日,降雪将逐渐减少,并转移至西北、华北的新疆、宁夏、甘肃以及北京等地。

    The National Meteorological Center said snow will continue to lower temperatures by 8 to 10 degrees , but will taper regions , Beijing and Gansu province .

  2. 中央气象台1月7日继续发布寒潮蓝色预警,华北及华南大部分地区都将迎来强降温和大风天气。

    China 's meteorological authority on Thursday renewed a blue alert for a cold wave , as most parts of northern and southern China will see drastic temperature drops and strong gales .

  3. 应用中央气象台24h降雨预报的可行性分析

    Feasibility Analysis of Applying 24h Precipitation Forecasts from the Central Meteorological Observatory Central Station

  4. 利用1971&2000年NCEP再分析资料和中央气象台提供的我国强冷空气过程统计资料,分析了近30年冬半年北极区及中高纬度地区大气环流形势的气候变化以及对中国强冷事件的影响。

    Based on the NCEP reanalysis data and the cold air outburst processes in each year provided by Central Meteorological Observatory ( CMO ) in 1971-2000 , the climate changes of Arctic atmospheric circulation feature and its effect on strong cold events in China are studied .

  5. 对中央气象台旬预报能力的检验

    Verification of the Dekad Forecasts Issued by the Centeral Meteorological Observatory

  6. 中央气象台短期降雨预报水平初步分析

    A preliminary analysis of short-range forecasting level for precipitation by Central Meteorological Office of China

  7. 而中央气象台23日6时继续发布霾橙色预警。

    The Central Meteorological Observatory at 6 am Wednesday continued to issue an orange alert for smog .

  8. 中央气象台周日称,中国大部分地区还会有降水,并将持续到周四。

    The Central Meteorological Observatory said on Sunday that most parts of China will have rainfall and it will last until Thursday .

  9. 中央气象台首席预报员李延香今天说,这并不是气象部门预报的气温不准,人们普遍有闷热的感觉主要是因为湿度大。

    Chief reporter of the Central Meteorological Station , Li Yanxiang , said that this is not because the weather forecast was inaccurate .

  10. 最近,一段关于中央气象台主持人杨丹的视频在中国社交媒体上疯传,该视频展现了她22年来作为气象节目主持人的工作历程。

    A video of Ms. Yang have recently gone viral on Chinese social media , showing her at work over her 22 year stint as weather presenter .

  11. 受较强冷空气影响,29日白天,华北西部和南部出现降雪,中央气象台29日10时继续发布寒潮蓝色预警。

    By the strong cold air , 29 day , north western and southern snow , the Central Meteorological Station at10:00 on the29th to continue to release cold blue warning .

  12. 中央气象台发布暴雪橙色预警,预计周五晚到周六我国中部、东部、南部地区将有新一轮强降雪。

    The central observatory issued a blizzard orange warning that expected form Friday night to saturday in the central , the eastern and the southern areas will have new strong snow .

  13. 根据中央气象台预报,内蒙古中西部、西北东部、华北、贵州和重庆的温度将降8-12度。

    Temperatures are set to fall by8 to12 C in central and western Inner Mongolia , eastern parts of Northwest China , North China , Guizhou and Chongqing , according to the CMS .

  14. 中央气象局对台风行经路线的居民发布警告。

    The Central Weather Bureau issues warnings to people in the path of a typhoon .