
  • 网络Central;central peak;central mountain;MT Zhong yang;axial peaks
  1. 当主量子数n为奇数,赖曼线形不存在中央峰,而形成分裂的双峰。

    As the principle quantum number n is odd , there is no central peak and two splitted peaks exhibit for the Lyman line profile .

  2. 高分子保护的纳米粒子的细致结构可以从扫描隧道显微镜(STM)图像中得到,单个粒子的横切图像分析中显示存在着一个中央峰和两个肩峰。

    The fine structure of polymer protected nanoparticle can be derived from their scanning tunneling microscopy ( STM ) images . There exist a central peak and two side peaks in the cross sectional images of individual particle .

  3. Chesapeake湾撞击坑主要形态像一顶倒置的宽边大草帽,包括外缘、环状洼地、峰环(内缘)、内盆和中央峰。

    The crater is like an inverted " sombreo ", and the principal morphological features include the outer rim , annular trough , peak ring ( inner rim ), inner basin and central peak .