- 名member of the Central Committee;Central Committee member

The CPC Central Committee 's 198 full members and 158 alternate members attended the plenum .
His re-election is a very clear sign [ that he will get some job ] , said one Chinese economist .
All comrades in the Party , and especially Central Committee members and high-ranking cadres , should pay attention to these matters .
The members newly elected to the Central Committee and the ministers and provincial Party committee secretaries who have been appointed recently are comparatively young .
The cadres in particular should study these subjects carefully , while members of the Central Committee and senior cadres should give them even more attention .
Now we want the present-day " Chou Yus " to sit on the League Central Committee , and yet people won 't hear of it !
As it is now , the average age of the Central Committee members is higher than that of those elected at the Ninth , the Tenth , and the Eleventh National Congresses .
" Now that people who have made mistakes are on the Central Committee , let us all make mistakes , then we too will have a chance of being elected !" Will this happen ?
The several hundred members and alternate members of the Central Committee and the thousands of senior cadres at the central and local levels should take the lead in making an in-depth study of modern economic development .
European Central Bank council member Erkki Liikanen says so far only Ukraine and Russia are suffering financially from the conflict , sparing European markets for the time being .
Moreover , the meeting approved the party 's decision to expel former CEC member and MP-elect Thein Nyunt for disclosing the party 's internal affairs to the media and for non-performance of duties .
In 2015 , the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection ( CCDI ) discussed TV series addressing corruption-related themes with the State Administration of Press , Publication , Radio , Film and Television ( SAPPRFT ) , the Beijing Youth Daily reported .
Members of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection ( CCDI ) were also present . The teachers allowed a pupil to sit in on their meeting .